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Tuesday 2 September 2014

Secret codesExtraction GT-I9300


To find all "Secret Codes", special properties and other hidden phone features
and settings, used in the GT-I9300. The secret codes are not so secret, but
are often used to activate and manipulate many settings, such as debug modes,
network connections, factory test modes etc.

It is an unfortunate choice of
words but we will stick to this definition nonetheless for simplicity, since
it is also used in the source code by Samsung and AOS. Do not confuse secret
codes with VSC (Vertical Service Codes), USSD (Unstructured Supplementary
Service Data) or other MMI (Man Machine Interface) codes.

Although there are many "standard" codes common to many Samsung phones, they
do vary to some extent. This is because their functionality often depend on
the particular hardware, in particular the baseband processor (aka radio, DSP,
BP or CP) and the multiplexer chips that switches the various internal USB
paths, for example between MHL, BP and AP.

This is an informative reference thread on these features. If you have
relevant additional information you'd like to share, please post it here.


From the Samsung Galaxy S2 experience we have gained the following
understanding when it come to the Factory/Service Mode menus and the
PhoneUtils applications. We are still to work out if this is still true for
the SGS3.

But first it is worth to note, that due to the more complicated, but better
organized phone applications in ICS, the way to enter secret codes have
changed from GB versions. Now all secret codes have to be prefixed with
"*#*#", followed by <code> and post fixed with "#*#*". [Note-1] However,
according to the GT-I9300 Service Manual, there are two codes that should work
without post- and pre-fixes. They are *#1234# (version) and *2767*3855#
(Factory reset! It will wipe your phone instantly, NO warnings, no going back,
no way to cancel.) [Note-2]
Newbie Practice Box
Go to your phone dialer and "dial" the following string:
This will trigger the Service Menu.
This same effect can be accomplished directly on the command line, with a
direct URI broadcast call to the application receiver via:

am broadcast -a android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE -d android_secret_code://1111
Second, it is essential to know that the actual program code (read
assembly/machine code) for the Engineering / Service Mode menu, is actually
located in the baseband processor firmware. What you actually see when you
enter this menu, is just a java based wrapper application, that make direct
function calls through various entry points, in the baseband kernel/firmware.
What does it mean? When you enter a specific "secret code", the wrapper
application (e.g. ServiceMenu.App) deciphers the code to a particular menu
entry in the baseband processor, where it is executed and whose result is
output to the wrapper application.

Third. Apart from hardware differences, because of the baseband firmware
dependance, the set of working secret codes will differ somewhat from your
location, depending on:
  • Your Modem firmware
  • Your AOS version (ICS 4.0.1, 4.0.4 etc.)
  • Your CSC version (Regional codes)

Special Notes

[Note-1] This can be seen in the handleSecretCode() function in the SpecialCh**** code.
[Note-2] These need testing and confirmation since they clearly contradict [Note-1].
[Note-3] Apparently the Samsung Galaxy S3 will come in at least two versions:
  1. The GT-I9300 (FCC-ID: A3LGTI9300 )
  2. The SCH-I939 (FCC-ID: A3LSCHI939 ) [Possibly the LTE version]


So how do you find new codes?
Well Google it! Then consider getting the following tools:
Then what to do?
The brief version. (For full version, see "References" in OP above.)

  1. Download all the tools shown above.
  2. Download the deodexed firmware images (see post#3)
  3. (If in Windows) Double click the sgs2toext4.
  4. Drag and drop the system.img file to the sgs2toext4 "drop window".
  5. You will now have a system.img.ext4 file, open this file with the LinuxReader tool.
  6. Save entire filesystem (from 5) in a new folder. Close.
  7. Go to the folder containing the *.apk(s) of interest.
  8. Make sure dex2jar.bat (win) is in your path and run it on your interesting.apk like this, for example:
    ./path/to/dex2jar.bat Samsungservice.apk
    This produces a new file: Samsungservice_dex2jar.jar
  9. Extract (7zip) this file in a new folder.
  10. Go to that folder in command line and enter the appropriate "jad" commands. For example, to decompile all class files globbed by Phone*.class and put the decompiled sources in the "src" sub-directory, do:
    jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc Phone*.class
  11. Go to the source directory (../src) you just created.
  12. Enjoy your *.java files!
Alternatively you can deodex on your own...but don't ask me how to do it.

A few other Tools

The information for this post was obtained by decompiling the
deodexed system image of the firmware shown below.


Base Firmware: I9300XXALE8 (4.0.4)
Modem: XXLE8

The latest GT-I9300 Stock Firmwares can be found here.

Here are the codes as found in:
serviceModeApp.apk: ServiceModeApp.class


Code                    Description                                             JavaCall        
197328640 || 2684       Start Service Mode / Enter SM Main Menu                 SendData('\001', '\001', '\000', '\000', '\000');

1111                    FTA SW Version                                          SendData('\001', '\001', '\u1002', '\000', '\000'); 
2222                    FTA HW Version                                          SendData('\001', '\001', '\u1003', '\000', '\000');
8888                                                                            SendData('\001', '\001', '\u1003', '\000', '\000');
2886                                                                            SendData('\001', '\001', ' ',    '\000', '\000');
6984125*                                                                        SendData('\001', '\001', ' ',    '\000', '\000');       
2767*2878               ? Factory reset (complete erase & format)               SendData('\001', '\001', '!',    '\000', '\000');

0228                    ADC Reading                                             SendData('\001', '\001', '\005', '\000', '\000');  
0599                                                                            SendData('\001', '\001', '\024', '\000', '\000');
1575                                                                            SendData('\001', '\001', '\025', '\000', '\000');
2263                    RF Band Selection                                       SendData('\001', '\001', '\026', '\000', '\000');
2580                                                                            SendData('\001', '\001', '\007', '\000', '\000');
301279 || 279301                                                                SendData('\001', '\001', '\024', '\000', '\000');
32489                   Ciphering Info                                          SendData('\001', '\001', '\006', '\000', '\000');
4238378                                                                         SendData('\001', '\001', '\027', '\000', '\000');
4387264636                                                                      SendData('\001', '\001', '\037', '\000', '\000');       
7284                    PhoneUtil: USB/UART I2C Mode Control                    SendData('\001', '\001', '\023', '\000', '\000');
738767633                                                                       SendData('\001', '\001', '\034', '\000', '\000');       
73876766                                                                        SendData('\001', '\001', '\033', '\000', '\000');               
7387677763                                                                      SendData('\001', '\001', '\036', '\000', '\000');
7387678378                                                                      SendData('\001', '\001', '\035', '\000', '\000');       
9090                    Diagnostic Configuration                                SendData('\001', '\001', '\023', '\000', '\000');

0011                                                                            SendData('\001', '\004', '\000', '\000', '\000'); 
123456                                                                          SendData('\001', '\004', '\001', '\000', '\000');
<na>                    End Service Mode 1 ()                                   SendData('\002', '\004', '\000', '\000', '\000');
<na>                    End Service Mode 2 ()                                   SendData('\002', '\001', '\000', '\000', '\000');
NOTE: In the table above, I have replaced printed UTF-8 (U+NNNN) characters with '\uNNNN'.

As you can see in the table above, most of the hidden codes are just shortcuts
into various sub-menus (third parameter) of Service Mode application. However,
this does not exclude the use of other hidden codes, that can be used or detected
in other applications.

From a different file we have a some additional codes.
(Not including already covered or overlapping codes.)

serviceModeApp.apk: SecKeystringBroadcastReceiver.class

147852                  TestApnSettings: putExtra("testBed", "Suwon"); 
1478963                 TestApnSettings: putExtra("testBed", "Open_market");
22558463                Reset Total Call Time
369852                  TestApnSettings: putExtra("testBed", "Gumi");
3698741                 TestApnSettings: putExtra("testBed", "Delete_DB");
03                      NAND Flash S/N (NandFlashHeaderRead)
745                     RIL Dump Menu
746                     Debug Dump Menu
0228                    Battery Status
1111                    IF SalesCode="CTC" THEN: TerminalMode
2222                    IF SalesCode="CTC" THEN: TerminalMode
9900 || 0514            System Dump
3214789                 GCF Mode Settings
5337632                 NFC Test
22553767                Call Drop Log View      
These may not always work, since some of them depend on certain "Sales Codes"
or factory IMSI numbers, through statements like:
if ((mSalesCode.equals("CHM")) && (str.equals("827828868378")))
But these were only codes found in two files.
So there are probably many more codes to be found!

Other Stuff

Here are some unknown functions from: TerminalMode.class
DEBUG_SCR       SendData('\001', '\004', '\000', 0, '\000');
EI_DEBUG_SCR    SendData('\001', '\006', '\000', 0, '\000');
DATA_ADV        SendData('\001', '\003', '\003', 0, '\000');
NAMBASIC        SendData('\001', '\003', '\001', 0, '\000');
TESTMODE        SendData('\001', '\001', '\000', 0, '\000');
NAMSIMPLE       SendData('\001', '\003', '\002', 0, '\000');
TEST_CALL       SendData('\004', '\007', c, 0, '\000');
Here is a list of all the OEM Commands used in the Service Mode App.
private class OemCommands (ServiceModeApp)      value           hex
char OEM_SERVM_FUNCTAG = '\001';

OEM_SM_ACTION                                   = '\000';       00
OEM_SM_DUMMY                                    = '\000';       00
OEM_SM_END_MODE_MESSAGE                         = '\002';       02
OEM_SM_ENTER_MODE_MESSAGE                       = '\001';       01
OEM_SM_GET_DISPLAY_DATA_MESSAGE                 = '\004';       04
OEM_SM_PROCESS_KEY_MESSAGE                      = '\003';       03
OEM_SM_QUERY                                    = '\001';       01
OEM_SM_TYPE_MONITOR                             = '\004';       04
OEM_SM_TYPE_MONITOR_SKT                         = '\001';       01
OEM_SM_TYPE_NAM_EDIT                            = '\003';       03
OEM_SM_TYPE_PHONE_TEST                          = '\005';       05
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_ALL_VERSION_ENTER               = '\004';       04
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_BAND_SEL_ENTER                  = '\026';       16
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_BATTERY_INFO_ENTER              = '\005';       05
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_BLUETOOTH_TEST_ENTER            = '\t';         09
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_ENTER                           = '\000';       00
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_FACTORY_PRECONFIG_ENTER         = '\016';       0e
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_FACTORY_RESET_ENTER             = '\r';         od
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_FACTORY_VF_TEST_ENTER           = '\031';       19
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_FTA_HW_VERSION_ENTER            = '\003';       03
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_FTA_SW_VERSION_ENTER            = '\002';       02
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_GCF_TESTMODE_ENTER              = '\027';       17
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_GPSONE_SS_TEST_ENTER            = '\025';       15
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_IMEI_READ_ENTER                 = '\b';         08
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_MELODY_TEST_ENTER               = '\013';       0b
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_MP3_TEST_ENTER                  = '\f';         oc
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_RRC_VERSION_ENTER               = '\024';       14
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_RSC_FILE_VERSION_ENTER          = '\021';       11
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_SELLOUT_SMS_ENABLE_ENTER        = '\033';       1b
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_SELLOUT_SMS_TEST_MODE_ON        = '\035';       1d
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_SW_VERSION_ENTER                = '\001';       01
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_TFS4_EXPLORE_ENTER              = '\017';       0f
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_TST_AUTO_ANSWER_ENTER           = ' ';          20
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_TST_FTA_HW_VERSION_ENTER        = ---->         # UTF-8: U+1003: e1 80 83  MYANMAR LETTER GHA
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_TST_FTA_SW_VERSION_ENTER        = ---->         # UTF-8: U+1002: e1 80 82  MYANMAR LETTER GA
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_TST_NV_RESET_ENTER              = '!';          21
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_USB_DRIVER_ENTER                = '\022';       12
OEM_SM_TYPE_SUB_VIBRATOR_TEST_ENTER             = '\n';         0a
OEM_SM_TYPE_TEST_AUTO                           = '\002';       02
OEM_SM_TYPE_TEST_MANUAL                         = '\001';       01

private class OemCommands (TerminalMode)
OEM_HIDDEN_FUNCTAG                              = 'Q';
OEM_HM_END_TEST_CALL_MESSAGE                    = '\t';
OEM_HM_TEST_CALL_MESSAGE                        = '\004';
OEM_HM_TYPE_TEST_CALL                           = '\007';
OEM_SERVM_FUNCTAG                               = '\001';

private class OemCommands (SysDump:)
OEM_DBG_STATE_GET =             6;
OEM_DEL_RIL_LOG =               13;
OEM_DPRAM_DUMP =                14;
OEM_DUMPSTATE =                 3;
OEM_DUMPSTATE_ALL =             20;
OEM_ENABLE_LOG =                7;
OEM_GCF_MODE_GET =              15;
OEM_GCF_MODE_SET =              16;
OEM_IPC_DUMP_BIN =              9;
OEM_IPC_DUMP_LOG =              8;
OEM_KERNEL_LOG =                4;
OEM_LOGCAT_CLEAR =              5;
OEM_LOGCAT_MAIN =               1;
OEM_LOGCAT_RADIO =              2;
OEM_MODEM_LOG =                 18;
OEM_NV_DATA_BACKUP =            17;
OEM_RAMDUMP_MODE =              10;
OEM_START_RIL_LOG =             12;
OEM_SYSDUMP_FUNCTAG =           7;
OEM_TCPDUMP_START =             21;
OEM_TCPDUMP_STOP =              22;
Next we'll have a look at some interesting (or not?) system "properties".
For now, I'll just list some of those I found more interesting and potentially useful.

Property                Setting/String                  Source                                  Description
dev.silentlog.on        On                              SysDump:                                
gsm.operator.numeric    45001                           Sec_Ril_Dump:                   [RIL::FD] Samsung Testbed
gsm.default.sidmode                                                                     ? UART
net.tcpdumping          On                              SysDump:                        ?
nfc.trace.mode          On                                                              Enable NFC Trace Mode 

ril.FTM_MODE                                                                            ? "FTM_MODE_KEY"
ril.FS                  true                            PhoneUtils: updateRAFT()        Activates RAFT (???) updates
ril.OTPAuth                                             SysDump:                        OTP Authentication 
ril.cdma.inecmmode      true                                                            Is phone in ECM mode?
ril.unique_number                                                                       The RIL Unique Number (UN)
ril.sms.gcf-mode        On                                                              ? SMS "GCF" mode

persist.log.seclevel    On                                                              Switchable Log level?                                                                               eng                             SysDump:                                
ro.debuggable           On                                                              Enable Debug / DBG_ENG / Engineering Mode??
Country/Region Specific
ro.board.platform                                                            SKT | KIT | LGT                 PhoneFeature: makeFeatureForKor()         espressorf | espresso10rf       PhoneFeature: checkDBGLevel()           
                        aegis2vzw                       PhoneFeature: makeFeatureForKor()       
                        jaguars | jaguark | jaguarl     
A particularly fun string is the following, found in the featureForKor() function:
mFeatureList.put("emergency_for_cyber_terror", boolean2);
I'd really like to know what this does!

Special Files

As we know from other Samsung Galaxy class phones, there are a number
of files that can be created or modified in order to activate certain
functions. Here we list those found to date. Please post if you know
of other ones!

Apparently setting the "SubscriberID" (IMSI) to "999999999999999" also
activates certain test features. A sim with this IMSI is also known as
a "Factory SIM". However, if the SIM IMSI starts with either "45001" or
"00101" it is a "Test SIM".

[See: or]

File                            FileContent     Description
/efs/FactoryApp/factorymode     ON              Enable Factory Mode
/efs/FactoryApp/keystr          ON              Blocked (hidden code?) Key String(s)
/efs/imei/mps_code.dat          ?               ?
/efs/root/ERR                   ?               Error Log
/data/                 ?               WiFi Power Save Mode    

Various Log Files:
/data/log/CallDropInfoLog.txt   ?               Dropped Calls Log
/data/log/lucky_ril.log         ?               ?
/data/log/dumpState_*.log       ?               ? System Dump Log
/data/log/main_*.log            ?               ? 
/data/anr/traces.txt            ?               ? 
/data/log/err                   ?               ? Error Log
/data/log/err/AENEAS_TRACE_###.bin              RF Aeneas Trace Log
/data/log/err/MA_TRACE_###.bin                  RF MA Trace Log
/mnt/sdcard/log                 ?               ?

System Files 
(Note: Some of these paths need to be verified, as they may be relative...)

Finally, we have two NVpasswords, that is used for uploading or dumping NVram, AFAIK. They are:
and they can be found in Sec_Ril_Dump.class.


As I do not have access to a GT-I9300, I have not been able to verify
any of the information in this thread! I apologize if there is any erroneous
information here. Please let me know and post new information here as
it become available. Also make sure you make a complete backup, before
attempting any of the codes or other trickery above

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